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I've recently (like in the last six months) received some really passionate feedback about finishing this. I've always responded with what is the truth, that if I were to concentrate on this it would be to the detriment of all my other free-time consume so much of my free-time that I'd burn out again, and that I wouldn't be able to work on things that entertained me in the moment, but I eventually made a promise that I'd try to do 2-3 more pages for old times sake, even though this comic would have to be 50 pages at least to be finished. 

I think I managed to streamline the story down to something very simple. DB goes from here to Riften to get the gym checked. Circe goes along with him so they can interact with Mallory. I had an idea that on the way they'd re-encounter Aventia Aretino, who blames DB for murdering Susanna the Wicked (from page 1), so DB has to go on a side-quest with Circe to prove that it wasn't him, but another murderer (I actually have a way to do all this in one-page, and I think it would be funny). 

Then Circe and DB get back. Astrid tells them the plan for luring out the Empress by murdering her cousin at her own wedding. 

This is where the story would get really long

DB ends up sleeping with the cousin (Vittoria) in a one night stand situation (she's not excited about her marriage), and when DB realizes it's her, he feels so guilty that he can't bring himself to kill her, so they fake her death (in a really funny way), and he helps her escape. 

He goes back and everyone is happy with him, but The Night Mother knows, and she sends a shade to kill him (it makes sense, since this would happen to you in Oblivion if you went against the Brotherhood), but DB uses the become-ethereal dragon shout to turn himself into a ghost, and he fucks the shade until she becomes his sidekick. (It's a female version of Lucien). 

Circe finds out and looses her shit, attacking everyone, calling them all traitors. DB and Astrid's husband pursue (in werewolf form). They catch her, but the shade reveals that The Night Mother wants to keep her alive, so DB and Astrid's husband just double-team her until she passes out, and they keep her as a gimp. 

I'd skip the part about the gourmet, and go right to DB sneaking in to kill the Empress, only to get trapped, and escape. 

He goes back to sanctuary. I'd have it so that everyone lives except for Astrid, who has to die for plot reasons, DB will have his second encounter with the Night Mother, who is mad about him not killing Vittoria, and he says he doesn't care about being her listener. She gets mad, and demands to know why he's been going along with everything then, and he reveals that he has his own reasons for getting close to the Empress. 

DB then destroys the Night Mother's body, telling her that he was using her, not the other way around, thus permanently severing her connection to the mortal plane. 

DB then goes to kill the Empress, and I'd reveal why DB went along with this whole crazy deal . . . But the idea I really have is so long that it would need it's whole comic. It would basically be about who DB got arrested Helgen in the first place, and why he ended up supporting the Empire against the Stormcloaks, even though he really admired Ulfric. 

He'd then either forgive the Empress and leave her (after fucking her) or kill her in revenge for Ulfric's death. I'm not sure. 

To my very passionate DBDB fan, I hope this gives some closure. 




Great story marky hope to see DB "impale" the empress


Ok Mark I'm going to start passionately begging for an old fashioned DB-interracial-breeding-She-Orcs bit so get ready to do that begging will begin soon


Looking fantastic, seems passion is contagious


Shit, I need to change "now" him to "know" him.


The hot girl dies and the story proceeds for its own sake to a logical end. For shame Marky, you'd make hypothetical Marky cry lol. (and ty for the closure, when stuff like High School of the Dead ends because of a writer tragedy it kills me to not even have a rough draft idea of what was in the works. Fade to black is the worst)


He just destroys the night mother’s bldy? Hah, that’d be pretty great to see. Also interested in how it’ll end with the empress and what he does


Instead of destroying her body (since the night mother is hawt and basically fucking sentient in this, so not far from Serena for example who is a vampire) he should fuck her until she either doesn’t give a fuck due to the back to back orgasms or turns to dust as her body can’t handle the sheer amount of pleasure the DB is beating our of her.

Master Dragon

Nice, the chicks in this comic rule. Keep up the good work.


Also 'fense' should be 'fence'. It's a homynymn, not a homophone.