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Started as a duke sketch of Amara, but I'm really excited for new Borderlands, "IF" they don't monetize the shit out of it, so I expanded the sketch into a full picture. 




Pretty nice


This looks amazing, I will have to give borderlands a shot even though I am bad at FPS games


Yes yes all of the yes. Didn't know these girls had names, but this is awesome!


Amara is going to be my main


I'm a sucker for uber-combat characters and pet oriented characters, so I'm waiting to see what the Soldier with the mech can do, or I'll go the homeless robot.


I am too, but generally Boderlands has made itself accessible to people who are bad at shooters (like me). Not every character requires skill-shots, just good positioning and timing. The technomancer character even had a 'ricochet' build so you're missed bullets had a chance of hitting anyway.


I am hyped for this game. Loved the main line games and tales. Can’t wait for this.


Homeless robot lol, he looks dope too not gonna lie. The soldier girl is definitely a cutie too.


I'll prob delete this comment later so: @Marky, you've done this with Duke's a lot recently, or at least ever since you eliminated your Prince, King and Fool tiers. Did you balance things out or are you doing same work for less total? Makes me worry because I'm rather invested (emotionally, can't go more money than this atm) in your longevity.


Thanks for voicing your concern. You've got a point. I am making less money than a few months ago. It's not a lot though, and I took a couple commissions this month to balance out an expense I have in May, but now that I have the money for it, I'm feeling a bit less stressed. Burn-out is the enemy, and getting to work on things that I want, rather than things that I don't, is the easiest way to avoid burn-out. A few hundred dollars up or down isn't the problem. I've been low-income my whole life.

Master Dragon

Borderlands 3 does look good, I agree with your points about the solider character. I kinda wonder is she's related to Axton. Maybe she's the technomancers cousin. In any case I might get borderlands 3 in the future. I know Maya and Lilith are always the best Sirens. Plus Tannis is a total babe.


Is the Ladybug Comic still something you are working on, Because im looking forward to the next page?


I haven't gotten any work on it done this month. I've switch how I draw again, and whenever I go back to a big project, the disconnect between the pages is incredibly frustrating to me. I don't think so. I should never even attempt such large projects unless it's going to be the only thing I ever do.