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I think the idea of getting beaten up by a really hot girl is still one of my biggest fetishes. I feel bad for the therapist that I'm going to have to explain this to one day. 

Man, I wish I could draw faster. If I had three wishes 1) World peace, 2) never have to worry about money again (I don't need to be rich, I just want it to not be a factor). 3) I can draw something as quickly as I can think of it, and it'll come out looking like exactly how I imagined it also. 




Not gonna lie, the cock slap is kinda hot


Looking great so far. Even though I've not played an MK game in years, I do really like Cassie as a character.


Just thinking, it's kind of a callback to the movie where Johnny punches Goro in the balls.


When I made the request I thought maybe asking for Goro to have two dicks might be against the rules so i didn’t ask and now I am happy to see him having two dicks nevertheless


You know, it's funny, I tell myself that I hate big mutant dicks, but maybe it's all just context. I'm not going to try and fit these into her, though.


Even the mighty Goro will fall to this attack, looking awesome.

Master Dragon

For some werid reason this reminds a bit of that scene in duke nukem forever where duke humilates the boss at the end by using the bosses balls as a speed bag. So I guess Cassie is channeling some inner duke nukem.