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Man I enjoy drawing short characters. Everything flows so much better for me. I am not good at making sense of long sinewy characters. I just see them like a bundle of sticks that could fall apart at any second. 

I'm excited to start doing a "Shorty Theme" for a bit next month. I kinda think from now on I should make February a "shorty month" since it's the shortest month of the year, but I'm not going to wait that long.  




Ye there’s something about shortstacks, it’s partly why I like goblins so much


Bring back Briar dude


Great, you force my hand ;)

Nero Gerosa

You could make a comic series that involve dwarf characters almost exclusively. Most Fantasy works have the majority of their characters be human. There are exceptions, and many of them are really good.


Q You have a talent for making likable characters. Though Mark and Key will always be my favorites. (Probably!) ;)

Master Dragon

Nice like your chibi characters. You should do one of Kee-va.