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During the endless war between the Devas (gods) and the Asura (demons/demigods), a mighty champion rose among the Asura ranks. Mahishasura! The Black Buffalo Demon! Mahishasura did something that very few Asura ever had, he lead a successful war of conquest against the Devas! Mahishasura even defeated the Deva champion, Indra, who was thought to be the strongest of the Devas. This victory was possible because Mahishasura carried favor with Brahma, the Ultimate God. 

Since none of the Devas were powerful enough to defeat Mahishasura, they had to create a new god. Pooling their power togeter, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva collectively gave birth to the goddess Durga, who came into being fully formed and riding atop a tiger (or lion). She fought Mahishasura for fifteen days, finally defeating him by impaling his heart on her trident. 

I don't draw guro though, so instead she's dominating him in a more peaceful manner. 




That bump on her erect right nipple tho 😍😍😍😈


Fucking gorgeous, one note is that his bull balls have the right amount of tightness and form so well done on that detail.


A pretty cool one




Make love, not war !


Outstanding work.

John Smith

very nice i dont get off to guro either so I support you not making it


Yeah, I think that cartoonish kung-fu fighting is a lot of fun, and wrestling, but I enjoy my bloody violence in different contexts.