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Almost finished with Chloe and Nathaniel. So I'll start the next poll now. It should be a fun one. We'll start by picking a mythology. Then I'll sketch something from said mythology. Something sexy. There is something sexy in every mythology, so this should be easy. 



Hmm it’s tough picking Greek and Egyptian, they’re both really cool (albiet overused compared to stuff like Celtic and Gaelic) but eh I’ll vote Greek...I just have a satyr/faun girl fetish, that’s it really :b


Oof. It'll probably be something with Aphrodite though. I like that low-hanging fruit.

Sleepy Dave

Been a huge fan of the Egyptian aesthetic since i was a kid. Swegabe's "Legend of Queen Opala" being at the top of my list at the moment for this theme.


I'm actually surprised you never played with Greek all that much. Aphrodite seems like someone you'd adore. She's an alpha bitch force of nature that regularly cucks her husband.


The ideal mistress. I may zero in on her in a future poll. Like which story of Aphrodite should I draw, or something.

Master Dragon

Oh if cletic win's you going to draw one of those headless Dullahan babes like the chick from Dollars is. The charcters name is Celty Sturluson. Cuz that could be intresting. Since the head could be giving someone a blow job while the body is give the person a massage. Just something to think about.