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Man, I was dead all of yesterday. I slept, woke up, ran and errand, ate some food, and then immediately went to sleep for another eight hours. I had to eight hour sleeps with only about four hours of waking between them. What's up with that? Anyways, getting back to it. 




Hope your feeling okay. Also that elf is pretty hot (dark skin elves is like a fetish for me)


First and foremost, just take care of yourself, buddy. Awesome work! The cock ring is a delicious bonus. :D


I'm definitely not sick. I think I'm just a really, really, really heavy sleeper, and sometimes I go into these long slumbers. I remember this one time in college, after I finished a really big project, I went to sleep late Friday night, slept in, woke up, and it was SUNDAY!


Awesome piece, no worry, you also deserve some days for you ^^


Same but maybe not as heavy, still glad to hear your not Ill or anything and this is somewhat normal for ya