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It's a pretty simple scene, but I think it's alright. I kinda hate drawing 'simple' scenes, because I think it just highlights how awkward and unnatural my sense of depth and perspective is . . . But this is fine. It's a cartoon world. 

I'm still thinking of doing a Pokebitch CYOA, in which Mark and Cadence have a Pokebitch battle. I'll probably do that once the Mortal Kombat: Disney Edditon thing is done . . . Maybe by the end of the week. I want to do something more with Mark and Cadence in this Pokebitch universe, before I inevitably return to their regular versions. 




Are those actual pokeballs in her hair or just stylish hair clips?


Marks dick and Cadence's tits look really good, imo...


I think just decoration. I think I'll have her actual pokeballs on her belt, like most trainers. I don't know. They could be. I'm already imagining that Cadence collects the big, burly, manly pokemon, like Machoke, and I can't think of any thematic reason she'd have her pokeballs in her hair.


How about a bandolier cross strap? That way she can carry her pokeballs, and cover her tits and show the rest of her body without an actual shirt.


Maybe. I've seen a similar design look good with bullet-belts, but pokeballs are spherical, and putting spheres on spheres is kinda a mess.

That black guy

I think there should be a followup *of her being "attacked" (fucked silly) by a machoke or something as Mark is fabblerghasted that it worked


Catch them all ! Very good.


Thanks. My therapist says that I have a fixation (I'm kidding, I can't afford a therapist).


Best catching technique ever

Ophanim Smile

Mark is looking super adorable enjoying that sight~ He's such a cute, buff little shit.