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Ugh. Too many OCs. I really shouldn't have gotten away from Mark the Barbarian. The others were fun experiments, but distracting. 



Master Dragon

aww she's still a good OC


I’m glad someone asked for her, I loved this design


Its been so long dude I can't even remember the mixed race looking punk rock witch side characters name from the Markverse anymore


the OCs are a fun and welcome distraction when you feel like them, even the "markyverse" stuff like mark the bully is good from time to time.


Nothing wrong with having a ton of OCs. It keeps you from having to impose random out there scenarios that would otherwise clash with a set of characters established theme.


Incredible, try to think the other way around, you have a few extra ways to draw whatever you want without forcing your OCs, and if you ever again have a carve for SciFi or superheroes you not have to start from zero.