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Does anyone here now of a good place to post stories online? I've used Literotica, but I've noticed that the last five stories I've submitted to them have all been declined with vague reasons of "Spelling" given, even after I had an editor go over the story. They don't give me anymore reason than that, and it's so frustrating that it makes me want to give up on writing again. No one reads my stuff on HF. I get a handle of views and that's it. 



Archive of Our Own is a pretty good place to post stories - whilst I'm not sure about the technicals from the author's side, the general layout and such is appealing to readers with everything being nice and uncomplicated (unlike Fanfiction.net and Literotica) but not so barebones that its frustrating (HF). Biggest thing though is you'll still have to make announcements and such elsewhere to divert more traffic to it until you get a decent following, at which points readers can follow your activity through your profile page and get automatic updates when you post a new story or chapter.


Imo its less the hosting venue and more the fact that jacking it to erotic fiction isn't that big of a thing on the interwebs anymore, the best thing you could do as a visual artist / writer I think is combine short stories with a related visual piece, this combo works for me and Cedar and I doubt my little stories would get the attention they do without Cedars art bringing in that initial click


Archive of Our Own or Adult Fanfiction are okay.


True. I enjoy writing short stories though. I'd still like to do something with the product though, that way I'm not just doing it to masturbate.

John Smith

Literotica is the best shame your material is not getting through.


I see your back to writing...the king has returned


I just checked your stories views on hentai foundry and it is a lot as big other writers maybe there aren’t many people who comment (maybe because your stories are one parter the they are done) but there are a lot of readers


I've also noticed that the most popular stories on HF are fan stories. I did a My Hero commission and I still get folks favoriting it. Trends are real.


I also think HF is a good place, you seemed to have a loyal following there, including myself haha. I'm just thankful you're writing again, one of the best out there!


You could host them at Word press.com.


H-F has the most modern interface that i've seen erotica-wise. I have better luck with multi-chapter stories than oneshots. If you are writing about the same character or have multiple short stories with similar content, you might be able to condense things and see if that works better. AdultFanFiction is pretty picky with their tags. I've gotten a story taken down because a new chapter had some content that they didn't like. I had to re-tag my story just to get it back up. Naked Blades is another one. It's mainly a story archive for the Tavern of the Broken Axe Forum, which is adult fiction and sci-fi stories. It's not quite as popular, but you can get some good comments from other authors in the forums.


Thanks! I realize that I haven't given enough respect to HF and maybe I should be comfortable just posting there.