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I'm really hurting for good ideas. Like badly. I think that I'm braindead or something. I don't laugh at any of the ideas I have written down on my 'idea list,' and a lot of them just make me wonder if I have a mental disorder. 

I'm pulling this theme out of my ass, but Pixar? Pixar?

Please . . . If anyone has any good ideas, I'll take them, but I'm worried that I won't even be able to tell if they're good. 



Didn't you have like a Robin series you were planning on doing with him getting dommed by the female villains from Batman's rogue gallery? Why not try and see if you'd have any fun doing that?


Maybe take some time off if the ideas aren’t singing to you? Or find someone to just come up with ideas for ya?


That's not an option. I feel like I've done nothing but take time off these last few motnhs.


What would Horny be based on? I mean, Fear was based on a nerve and Disgust on a stem of broccoli as I recall.


Monster girls, Mark vs any stereotype you have not done, some Femdom with drow elves, parody of any superheroine, like that venom series you wanted. See those old polls and pick an option you wanted, but please PLEASE, not draw a poll just because, in the end you will create a pic you not wanted that take twice one you love.


Oh, that 's a good question, I hadn't thought that far ahead. I was just going to do some sexy pink sprite girl.


The Mark vs the Ghost went over well. I should do another Mark and a monster girl picture soon


I think you need something that is just a filler for when you are going through those time when you have no idea and you can just do them until you come with more funny or interesting ideas some ideas can be just normal sexy girl or more fights or characters design or whatever that is no that interesting to you because you can’t be excited about everything you make and make something every week so boring or a series you are not interested in is the way to go (probably not an advice you wanted to hear but I ,a person who have no idea what he is talking about think it is a good one)

Master Dragon

How about Ivy fights another game girl like Cammy to show who's the hottest fighting babe.

Rusty Shackleford

How about a Suburbs theme with a Chad fucking milfs and their daughters.