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For those of you who don't follow the boring minutia of this website's policies, last month a lot of pledges didn't come through for a lot of people, largely because Patreon may have moved their headquarters to another country or something, and thus many transactions were flagged by their respective banks as 'suspect.' That negatively affected others much worse than it did me. Some artists who survive entirely on $5 or $10 pledges saw their total income drop by half. I don't think it caused me any real problems other than a couple days of confusion. 

The real problem seems to be a $0.35 processing fee for international pledges, so anyone pledging $1 gets charge $1.35, of which I see something like $0.90. Whatever. Point is, this hurts the lower tier pledges, and I lost a huge chunk of $1 patrons because of this (according to exit data). 

This isn't the end of the world for me. Even if I'm making a couple hundred dollars less this month than previous months, I can easily make that up by just doing more commissions and less of my own random stuff, but chance are I'll just eat the loss since I really enjoy drawing for myself. It just sucks that my $1 patrons are basically getting a huge middle-finger from Patreon, and they're being told "You little fish are not wanted here. Whales only."





Interesting point and sucks, sucks a lot


Apparently this time it actually ISN'T patreon taking the money, not every pledge is getting hit with that international service fee, it depends on the card/bank.

Master Dragon

Hope everything works out for you man. If you do open up for commissions either September or October hit me up.


Good luck with payments, man. If you are opening more commissions, lemme know, I'd be interested.


It actually doesn't seem to be affected me that much. But it's still wierd, because as payments were getting processed, I was getting tons of "Declined" messages, which dropped my patron numbers from 350 to 290, but now I'm back to 340 all of the sudden.


Thanks. It really doesn't seem to be affecting my as much as other creators. The whole accounting thing is still weird though. During processing, each 'Declined' message removed the patron from my total until the 'Declined' payment is resolved, so my count of 350 went to 290 for a day, but now it's back. Weird.


Any update on the real numbers? You say .35 and i've heard others say it's 3% of the pledge total for adult artists.


I can't because the finaicial statements I get are only about how much I make, not how much patrons get charged. Someone told me that this only affects certain countries even, like UK.