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"And then I met Meryl, a hot box of rocks,

And I fought a gunslinger named Ocelot,

But a cyborg-ninja cut his hand away, 

You know, normal shit that happens everyday."

Alright. It's the 31st. Fuck. I've got a couple things to finish, but once I do, I'll have a massive update to the google drive (that only applies to counts and above), and then it'll be SEPTEMBER! For those of you who dont' obsessive follow my every comment, i'm thinking that September is going to be mostly focused on that Ladybug comic I left hanging a while back. So other than my commissions, and the occasional "Vote for a thing," Ladybug is going to be my main focus. Of course, I really doubt I'll get more than three pages done. 




Rip Metal Gear but also Mark I know u know what color Meryls hair is u have to stop doing this bruh

Master Dragon

Ya, I always though Meryl was a redhead. But nice job man it rocks


Looking awesome, great thong