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So watching My Hero Academia got me thinking about superheroes again, and the character i tried to develop called White Rabbit. That's dead to me, but I did think about the first superhero I conceptualized, Durable Girl. The whole gimmick is that her only real power is that fact that her body is completely indestructible. She may or may not have super-strength. I never got that far along with her. I stopped with the idea because I just don't think it would have gone anywhere fun. Basically each comic/idea/picture would just be her getting the shit beaten out of her by sexy villains, and the only other runny gag would be that her fellow superheroes use her as a decoy.  




Well, its a pretti nice concept, I just think Durable Girl not work cool as a name, maybe something more simpler, but the idea is fun. Its sad that White Rabbit idea was dump, I enjoy her small time in the spotlight.


I personally don't see much wrong with something like that, her being beaten down and used as a decoy. She'd wear the villain down before she really got too fucked up, which is her servicing her purpose. I like it.


Also, I love her fucking costume. White Rabbit was cool and all, but your muscular build for girls is always attractive to me.


I like it

Patreon fan

Really excited to see some more superhero action. Too bad White Rabbit didn't stick.

That black guy

Second she described herself as that, I was hoping to see the next panel of her getting banged out


So Rabbit is dead to you? Harsh. You sure it won't just revive in a year or so like Nadia? Are any of your other characters 'dead' now too (Dizzy in Space, Rusty and Rocky, etc)?


That's basically the rest of the comic. Donkey-Punch fucks the shit out of her until Lady Liberty shoes up to save the day, but by that time Durable Girl is already naked, battered, and covered in donkey spunk.


Dizzy's not dead to me. I just don't have time for it. As for Rusy and Rocky, I still like those ideas, but I'd convert them into a Mark the Bully comic, so I can keep using the same OC. As for White Rabbit . . . I don't know . . . I never even settled on what her powers should be, I feel like I overdeveloped her origin, AND I got a billion messages saying stuff like "But did ya no dat dere wus a DC karacter named Wite Wabbit also? Are you wipping uff DC?"