Daily Sketches: Venom (Patreon)
2017-12-11 14:53:18
It's MONDAY?!?! Where my weekend gone? Where my Sunday? I literally got up early this morning, took a big stretch, played some Pokemon: Moon (since I got an emulator working for it) and thought to myself "You know what, Mark? Kick back. Take your shoes off. Take your pants off. It's Sunday. Sack-of-shit-Sunday. Who cares." But, turns out it's Monday, and I actually do have some chores I need to do, so here we go.
As for this, it might seem like my Daily Sketches are only coming out once every few days. That's because I'm spending more time on them, and working on them in groups based on themes. This winning theme was "Venom." Last time was "Fallout." I don't know what the next theme is going to be. Will depend on what people vote for.