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I'm almost finished with. I kind of had hoped to have it done yesterday, but I need to take a break. I'm going to start doing Daily Sketches again, and will be posting a poll shortly. Going back into what I'd like to consider the 'regular' swing of things. 

Aside from the Daily Sketches though, I have a couple questions about content. I've gotten a surprising amount of Mark stuff done recently, and it's felt great, but now I kind of want to revisit Rusty Rhodes for a couple comics, specifically regarding his mother Rhea embarrassing him. I'm just giving you all a heads up that it won't be forever. Just a couple comics. I can't tell what kinds of stuff attract people or push them away. My Patreon has always fluctuated around 300 people, but it's dipped below 300 a couple times in the last few months, and I'm worried that I'm boring people. 



Verixa Okblek

Rapiers and duelists suck so glad Candace is fucking them over xD


Honestly, I don't mind it as much, so far switching things around and mixing it up seems to work for you it may not be what everyone wants, but no one can please everyone, polotics be dawned. Besides the more it works for you the more content we get on a more regular bases. You made it quite clear that projects that take longer than you want become a chore thus sent back to the drawing board and that becomes a nightmare for everyone.


I miss your old parody comics a lot but I understand you have to do what the patrons / clients pay for. It'll be nice to see more Markverse stuff though. Sometimes its obvious you arent having fun and that's depressing to see and also shows up in your work though it seems things are better in that regard lately. Dem parody comics from back in the day when you just did this for shitz n gigglez doe... If only someone could use one of their wishes to set you free, Genie.


First of all, this is awesome hot page, I can't wait it to be finished. I think the August was great overall. But I have no idea what men like or not, so can't suggest anything here...


No one can please everyone, if you want followers you need to do what the people want, Skyrim, but is better you draw what you wanna and no worry about fans, thst way you will have fans for what you like to draw. so I think you worry too much. ^^


Sigh. Maybe I should make some Skyrim stuff just to trick people into liking me again.


No, No,No,No, NO! You draw what you LIKE and slowly but surely your fanbase with grow, is no good you get people into liking an art you not enjoy, not get my advise backwards is better even if slower do what you enjoy, because taht way you will do it for more time. I think you should draw for you instead of pleasing crowds, that never works


If I was bored of you, then I would have run off last month. Rest assured that you don't bore me. The issue is pandering to the crowd. While profitable, pandering can drain you and leave you frustrated. What's the point of arting smut if you don't enjoy what you do? Sure your fanbase will grow from all the pandering, but you'll grow disinterested in something you love. Just do what you enjoy. :)