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I do intend to color this. I'd do it right now, but it's August, and it's CAVE-GIRL MONTH, so I'm going to finish a simple picture of a cave-girl right now instead, and finish this tomorrow. Once I have the cave-girl image up, I'll have some poll or something for Knights and above abotu which cave-girl themed idea I should work on next. These won't be the usual daily sketches per se, because I will fully color most of them, but to varrying degrees. 

I should have the cache for $10 and up patrons in a couple days. I do want to finish this picture first. 



Verixa Okblek

man why do the patrons here have a habit of picking the worst choice (or in this case worst character Brad) on the polls? Rick looks fucking awesome in Mark's art style though xD


"See M-Morty ya just gotta drink up. Ya gotta drink up and y-ya *BURP* forget about all the things that suck in life, Morty. Cuz I tell ya Morty, shit ain't changin', Morty. M-Morty things ain't changin', so ya take those thoughts and ya shove 'em up inside. W-way up inside, Morty. *BURP*" "Rick I g-get it, ya don't need to keep--" "WAY UP IN THERE, MORTY. Y-ya just keep on shovin' while she *BURP* screams, and God do they scream, Morty. They SCREAM for m-more, Morty."

Avatar Juan

I just imagined reading CAVE GIRL MONTH! In Rick's voice.


That's a pretty good Rick voice. I love how this show has such a distinct voice. It also kind of works with Archer, because that show has a particular kind of banter, but just the fact that they make Morty stutter so naturally is amazing.


Pretty cool, the Cave Girl month begin

