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A character sheer I'm late on. I'm thiking of taking September off. I'll need time to catch up I think, if this pattern of lateness holds through August. I'd also like some time to draw some stuff for myself, like the month I took off for Dizzy. I don't think I want to create a new character, per se, but I do want to spend some time focusing on cave-girl related images. Like a cute cave-girl fighting some dinosaurs, or wrestling an octopus, or sleeping with her pet tiger, and stuff like that. 




Do what you must, the cave girl month sounds good, the chick is cool, but call my attention that her color identity is missing on her design, she must have the colors inside ^^


Whatever you think is best, as long as you deliver. Some things are worth the wait.


Sounds like an awesome month!


Awesome job, good sir! If you need September off, go for it. :)


Nice character. Hot, strong, friendly and bi. My favorite type. Kings are overrated though :P