Daily Sketch: Selmie (Patreon)
2017-06-23 22:48:06
I was a little surprised that Hylian won the last poll, but okay. Initially I was just going to draw a typical tomboy with pointy ears, then I thought of doing one of the stable girls because I like the Himalayan style hats they wear, but then I realized I could do a specific NPC, and I remembered Selmie. Selmie is one of the NPCs who gets a little bit of story built around her. You can read about her in some notes you find at the bottom of Hebra mountain. "The Duchess of Downhill." When you run into her it's kind of a fun surprise. It's too bad that she says she has retired from shield surfing. I like to imagine that she does it when no one is around . . . and that she does it anked.