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In Rome a leader of a hundred or so men was a Centurion, so now that I've hit a 100+ patrons I guess that makes me a Centurion of sorts . . . albeit one without massive tits.




This is an insanely sweet example of sub bikini level Centurion sex bomb armor, which are two things you draw especially well. In general I love your sexy reimaginings of ancient times and peoples. I just have to be a historically correct jackass and say that Roman Centurions normally commanded 80 men (though this varied based on historical period) because "Centurion" does not come from the word "century" which means 100. "Centurion" actually refers to a leader of a "Centuriae" which means loosely a tribe, company, or voting block.


Amazing pic, the details on the armor medals are also a nice addition, I am dying to see the Spartan version once we reach 300 (yes may take some time, but I am sure we will) Thanks a lot man.


She is gorgeous, though I do feel sorry for that poor orc chap, probably thought she'd be an easy plunder what with no clothes on. Still it has me thinking....what do the soldiers, other commander ranks, people look like in this setting.

Sarah Grimlock

Happy for yeah man! Been here since the beginning <3


I think they're all naked to varios degrees, and they live in a G.I. Joe type of world where despite all the shooting and bombs no one ever gets hit (kid friendly in that sense at least)