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The game has a good bit of content now, but it's really not grown much audience wise. I need to change that if I'm gonna continue investing the time I am. I'd like to ask what about the game made you decide to support it. I'm hoping it'll clue me in on what I need to improve on to help this thing grow.




I love the art and the story is endearing. I think a major reason i decided to support was the amount and the variety of the content. There was so much good shit to dig into and I just wanna keep it coming :)


Game has a ton of soul, it's very amateurish in some areas, like some of the early dialogue busts and music but the art has only improved significantly over time and it's great to see. Plus I love how much m/m content there is, I only wish more of the characters were sexable, like the minotaur waiter. I don't think the game gives the best first impression because of a lot of the early art that's still in the game, maybe working on that and on presentation would bring more people in? In any case I love your game, it's the only one i've ever felt the need to support.


Thank you for the praise. Also the insight, Ive thought for a while about redoing some of the start art and content. Since its important what the first impression a player gets. The minotaur waiter was actually planned to get a scene, but I didn;t since there was a bit of complaints about gay content at the time. I plan to eventually though. Thank you for responding, it was helpfull