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I've gotten a fair bit of feedback and a common complaint is that as cool as adding in the new towns is, they feel a bit empty of actual content for players to do. I had planned to add another area in this update, the ice elf village. But hearing the feedback makes me think maybe I should focus on filling in what already exists more before I keep building more areas. Do any of you have any opinions one way or the other? Should I pretty up whats already here, or keep adding new things?


Haitham Alhazmi

As much as I'm excited for the new area ( ice village ) I kinda agree that the previous areas need to be filled with more content There are already interesting characters who I'd love to see their content plus there's a an unfinished quest and that's what bothers me is because you are focusing on expanding the world you get a short amount of time to add new content So I think it's better to fill the area before adding new ones P.S you can add new areas to let players explore and get excited for new content


Any particular characters who are already in you'd like to see content from. I'm reworking the alchemist from the first town atm, But yeah I wanna fill out more what's already in the game at this point. So if threes a character in you prefer let me know.

Haitham Alhazmi

I have some but of course which ever you find time to do is okay In Braithfare the barmaid Evelyne In Nueve Jobby ( asking for apples ) The dwarf attendant in the tunnels The florist and Linda in Lilith Faem No pressure do what you can and I'll still be happy


I actually had a quest idea for Evelyne and I wanted to draw her so shes likely to get a scene soon. as for the rest, theyre definitely options. The florist especially