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Benefits of these powerful affirmations:

- Have a happy pregnancy.

- Be the best mother you can be.

- Be a good mother to your children.

- Feel a loving connection to your offspring.

- Have kind, helpful and considerate offspring.

- Have a healthy and easy pregnancy.

- Be the best mother you can be.

- Be blessed with your children.

- Enjoy an amazing pregnancy.

- Be strong, healthy and happy.

- Look forward to giving birth.

- Be positive and happy.

- Be in perfect health.

- Eat the right foods.

- Have enough rest.

- Be healthy and fit.

- Be joyful and healthy.

- Be in perfect harmony.

- Be resilient and strong.

- Have a strong, healthy body.

- Have a strong and healthy baby.

- Deliver happy, healthy offspring.

- Have a perfect hormone balance.

- Have a wonderfully functioning body.

- Feel a deep connection with your baby.

- Do God's work through your motherhood.

- Be ready to be the best mother in the world.

- Be a beacon of love and kindness to the world.

- Have a strong and healthy reproductive system.

- Raise your children to be loving children of God.

- Love your children so much and have them love you.

- Have your children always be protected by God's infinite Love.

- Be in perfect alignment with your body and its needs as your pregnancy progresses.

- Be in perfect alignment with your body and its needs during your pregnancy and afterwards.

- Love that everybody around you is supportive and takes great care of you and your pregnancy.

- Love that your partner and your family support you during your pregnancy and afterwards.

- Have the best midwife in the world.

- Have the best gynaecologist in the world.

- Have the best doctor in the world.

- Have a strong mind-body connection. 

- Be totally relaxed and free.

- Easily imagine yourself holding your new baby.

- Have a strong and important connection to your future baby.

- Be an amazing mother about to have an amazing baby.

- Have a perfect pregnancy and deliver a happy, healthy baby.

- Choose the see the beauty in this whole process of bringing a new life into the world.

- Consciously enjoy this unique and beautiful experience. 

- Base your choices throughout your pregnancy on facts.

- Be absolutely committed to providing your child with a safe and happy home environment.

- Have an amazing support system. When you ask for help, you receive help.

- Visualize yourself after a perfect delivery being at home loving and playing with your beautiful baby.

- Have a midwife that is a beautiful friend and wise counsel throughout your pregnancy.

- Be more attuned than ever to the perfect rhythms of nature and your body as your healthy baby grows within you.

- Have your love and connection with this child within you humble you every day. 

- Have all the unconscious generational negativity stop with you.

- Be calm, cool, and confident throughout your pregnancy. 

- Be in complete control of what is going on around you.

- Trust that your body knows exactly what it's doing.

- Have an easy, peaceful, joyous and pleasurable birth.

- Have everything go perfectly during your pregnancy.

- Be completely relaxed during labour and birth.

- Be committed to consciously raising this child. 

- Trust in your ability to birth your baby.

- Be strong, determined and resilient.

- Have an easy, uncomplicated birth.

- Have courage, faith and patience.

Listen on low and comfortable volume at least 2 to 6 times a day for the best results. 

Please don't listen while driving or handling heavy machinery and make sure to drink enough water to accelerate the changes and avoid headaches.

You can multitask listening to this session. You can loop this video while you sleep for ultra-fast results!

Happy pregnancy! :)



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