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These powerful affirmations will help you:

- Attract and get your dream job 

- Receive numerous job offers

- Have a fulfilling job that you love

- Have kind and helpful coworkers

- Be very confident in job interviews

- Improve and learn new skills

- Attract income opportunities

- Have a flexible work schedule

- Be appreciated for your work

- Have plenty of paid vacation

- Increase productivity

- Truly enjoy your work

- Be lucky at all times

- Have the perfect salary

- Improve your memory

- Be incredibly creative

- Always stay focused

- Solve problems efficiently

- Increase your intelligence

- Improve clarity and attention

- Access your subconscious mind

- Improve your time management skills

Listen at a low and comfortable level at least once or twice a day, best before sleep for optimum results. Please, keep listening until your job is exactly as you want it. You will notice results in a very short time! 

This formula includes Jupiter's Spin 183.58 Hz and Earth's 7.83 Hz Schumann Resonance frequencies. Headphones are optional.  

Please, don't listen while driving or handling heavy machinery and make sure to drink enough water to activate the changes and avoid headaches. 

You can multitask listening to this session. You can loop this audio overnight for ultra-fast changes!

Happy results! :)



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