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These powerful affirmations will help you:

- Have a healthy, youthful and optimally aligned spine.

- Have a healthy and optimally aligned youthful neck.

- Have healthy and youthful vertebral discs.

- Be forever completely and absolutely healthy.

- Have healthy and youthful vertebrae and ligaments.

- Quickly heal and rejuvenate your entire skeletal system.

- Send increased circulation and nutrition to your entire skeletal system.

- Have blood that efficiently transports all needed nutrients to your skeletal system.

- Heal and regenerate your skeletal system to perfect youth and ideal health.

- Always maintain a perfect rested and youthful appearance.

- Send healing energies to your entire skeletal system.

- Have an optimally healthy skeletal system.

- Fully restore your spine's flexibility.

- Optimally align all your vertebrae.

- Have a flexible and resilient spine.

- Have strong and resilient muscles.

- Have perfectly toned and healthy muscles.

- Quickly and perfectly align all your vertebrae.

- Easily and quickly relax all your muscles at will.

- Love moving your body and the way it moves.

- Love your body and always feel comfortable.

- Always have an optimal posture at all times.

- Always feel very happy and ideally relaxed.

- Have toned and youthful face muscles.

- Have healthy, strong and resilient neck muscles.

- Be in harmony and balance with your body and movements.

- Have vertebrae that move optimally and allow you a wide range of motion.

- Have optimal levels of all needed nutrients for perfect youth and ideal health.

- Have optimal amounts of Astaxanthin and Glutathione for perfect youth and health.

- Get extremely fast and permanent results! 

Listen at a low and comfortable volume, at least 2-3 times a day for best results. Unisex

I recommend listening from the beginning to the end without interruptions. Headphones are optional. It's best to be relaxed during this session.

The frequencies in this formula are based on Leslie Wieder's book "Songs of the Spine"

Each vertebra in your spine has its unique frequency to which it responds. By transmitting these frequencies in the right sequence, they will help realign your vertebrae correctly and get your spine back into optimal working conditions. Starting at L5, up to C1 and played approx. 2 minutes for each vertebra.

Happy alignment! :)



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