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These powerful affirmations and frequencies will help you:

- Have an extremely healthy lymphatic and immune system

- Have an optimal healthy lymphatic system with healthy DNA

- Have powerful and healthy lymphocyte production

- Have healthy lymphatic vessels with powerful optimal lymph

- Have healthy Peyer’s patches with naturally intelligent receptors

- Have a healthy thymus gland that produces optimal T-cells

- Maintain optimal levels of interstitial fluid

- Have intelligent and healthy white blood cells

- Have intelligent and healthy neutrophils

- Have healthy, intelligent and optimal lymph circulation

- Safely infuse your lymphatic system with divine and loving energy

- Have healthy lymphoid tissue that is perfect in health and function

- Have a healthy immune system that self-regenerates and self-rejuvenates

- Have healthy lymphoid tissue that naturally self-rejuvenates and self-regenerates

- Have healthy lymph nodes that are perfect in health and function

- Have a healthy thymus gland that naturally self-rejuvenates and self-regenerates

- Have a healthy spleen that naturally self-rejuvenates and self-regenerates

- Have a healthy lymphatic system that provides you with optimal fatty acid transport

- Have healthy lymph nodes that naturally self-rejuvenate and self-regenerate

- Have a lymphatic system that has safe and optimal self-lymph drainage

- Naturally self-regenerate and self-rejuvenate  your lymphatic system

- Have an immune system that protects your healthy cells and tissues

- Have your immune system intelligently and perfectly distinguish between your own healthy tissue and foreign cells

- Have a healthy immune system that has a safe and intelligent response to allergens

- Have your immune system safely detect and neutralize pathogens at incredible speed

- Have your body naturally respond to injury with instant self-healing and self-regeneration

- Have your immune system recognize and accept your healthy and optimal cells and body tissues

- Have a healthy immune system that safely removes infections without inflammation

- Have healthy monocytes that respond quickly to infection with optimal intelligence

- Have a healthy lymphatic system that safely clears out and removes cellular debris at optimal speed

- Have a healthy immune system that safely provides you with powerful immunity to disease, parasites, viruses and bacteria or pathogens

- Always be very happy and confident and safe and protected by the loving energy of the Universe

- Get extremely fast and permanent results! 

Listen at a low and comfortable volume, at least 2 to 6 times every day for best results. Headphones are optional. Unisex  

This video includes Rife frequencies; please, don't listen while driving or handling heavy machinery and make sure to drink enough water to optimize the changes and avoid headaches. 

Happy healing!



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