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These powerful affirmations and frequencies will help you:

- Have a successful YouTube channel.

- Always make videos of the best quality.

- Effortlessly maintain your subscribers happy.

- Be a successful Youtuber and YouTube celebrity.

- Receive massive amounts of money from your videos.

- Make new creations with absolute ease and joy.

- Have a top-rated YouTube channel.

- Always be trending on YouTube.

- Get millions of views every day.

- Gain subscribers each day.

- Have millions of subscribers.

- Make videos that people absolutely love.

- Have an extremely popular YouTube channel.

- Make videos of excellent quality that people love. 

- Have a flawless and immaculate reputation as a Youtuber.

- Make huge amounts of money through your YouTube channel.

- Always work with love and be grateful for all you have achieved.

- Have a channel that brings you lots of joy and happiness.

- Make big amounts of money from your video creations.

- Be happy and enjoy lots of free time as a Youtuber.

- Have an exciting and fulfilling job as a Youtuber.

- Have a flexible and fulfilling work schedule.

- Truly enjoy working on your channel.

- Have your absolute dream job.

- Easily respond to comments.

- Have a photographic memory.

- Have an advanced visual memory.

- Have an extremely vivid imagination.

- Always get your work done way before it's due.

- Make big amounts of money from your creations.

- Get any amount of work done in a matter of seconds.

- Always remember and understand anything you've ever read, seen, or heard.

- Be able to live a happy life thanks to the money you are making with your videos.

- Have a channel that is bigger and better than you ever imagined.

- Always be in control of your thoughts, actions and emotions.

- Intuitively know how to create videos that easily go viral.

- Attract new subscribers like a powerful magnet.

- Intuitively know what subjects are on demand.

- Attract wealth and treasures in abundance.

- Always be extremely lucky with money.

- Attract immense amounts of money.

- Easily attract money and wealth.

- Find money in unexpected places.

- Choose to be happy and optimistic.

- See the best in yourself and others.

- Be confident, capable and optimistic. 

- Radiate optimism and positive energy.

- Have immense wealth and live a luxurious life.

- Always have money and wealth in abundance.

- Intuitively know what subjects are on demand.

- Always enjoy your abundant enthusiasm and optimism.

- Always make huge progress towards fulfilling your objectives.

- Embrace a wide array of possibilities with enthusiasm and optimism.

- Share enthusiasm and optimism with everyone you meet.

- Always succeed in whatever you desire to achieve.

- Easily direct your life in the direction you desire.

- Always make daily progress toward your goals.

- Be constantly complimented on your work.

- Always brim with positive thoughts and optimism.

- Naturally harness optimism to easily reach your goals.

- Make people feel better when they are around you.

- Emotionally lift the people around you with your optimism.

- Attract many new opportunities that improve your life.

- Have the energy to succeed in your efforts.

- Know your life is getting better all the time.

- Attract those that enrich your life.

- Be extremely creative.

- Have rich and rewarding life experiences.

- Happily greet the miracles of each new day.

- Feel positive about yourself and your future.

- Always feel good about yourself and your life.

- Always possess boundless optimism and energy.

- Always possess positive energy, optimism and joy.

- Be comfortable and confident in front of a camera.

- Have incredible videogenic attractiveness and appeal.

- Have YouTube star qualities and YouTube celebrity appeal.

- Always look amazing in your videos like a true YouTube celebrity.

- Be at peace with the world and see the best of the world around you.

- Be a beautiful person, both inside and out, and show it through your videos.

- Easily find your own authentic niche that makes you stand out from the crowd.

- Have the video presentation style and high-class quality to be a massive success.

- Be comfortable and relaxed in front of the camera like a true YouTube celebrity.

- Be able to easily and freely communicate when speaking to the camera.

- Be filled with creative energy for new and unique video ideas.

- Be confident in yourself and in your ability to be successful.

- Have what it takes to develop massive YouTube success.

- Have what it takes to become a successful Youtuber.

- Develop high levels of ingenuity and individuality.

- Develop and strengthen your creative imagination.

- Have the creative stamina to keep up with the masses.

- Easily structure the influx of ideas and keep them organized.

- Always have new successful creative video ideas coming to your mind.

- Always put quality first when creating new content for your YouTube channel.

- Care about your audience and desire to create videos that benefit them.

- Engage with your subscribers and enjoy their participation.

- Be a magnet for success, good fortune and inspiration.

- See inspiration and ideas all around you.

- Believe in yourself and what you are working towards.

- Intuitively know how to create videos that easily go viral.

- Be immune to the effects of negative vibes and negative comments.

- Quickly attract loyal subscribers who deeply appreciate your endeavours.

- Be sensitive to the needs of your subscribers and the YouTube community.

- Easily create rapport and public appeal through your YouTube channel.

- Attract positive beneficial people and opportunities into your life.

- Create your YouTube projects out of love and generosity.

- Easily create a safe public YouTube image and brand.

- Be a person who is worthy of respect and love.

- Have your channel forever monetized.

- Have YouTube love your new videos.

- Get paid for your videos.

- Receive tons of money from YouTube.

- Easily follow YouTube's partner program guidelines.

- Allow yourself to receive only good news from YouTube.

- Be a master of collaboration and love to collaborate with other YouTubers.

- Live a comfortable life thanks to the money you are making with your channel.

- Create a wishing bridge of opportunity that blooms into a vast array of possibilities.

- Make astoundingly wise investments in perfectly allianced friendships that bring lasting wealth and associations into perpetuity.

- Stay in a constant state of body fitness, proportional to your goals in keeping with your desired body image.

- Take great care in creating an authentic presentation of your posture and exude the highest level of presence in attaining your goals.

- Be filled with visions of opportunity with the map to achieve it in good standing with your personal and professional goals.

- Create systems of achievement that personify your truest desires of professional fulfilment.

- Ascertain the most solvent way to achieve wealth into perpetuity fulfilling your deepest desires of wealth.

- Get extremely fast and permanent results :)



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