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963 Hz is the last of the Solfeggio frequencies.

It takes us to the highest plane of consciousness and it awakens any system to its original, ideal, and perfect state. 

When it is applied to cells, it enables a sort of "cellular enlightenment" and transformation of the cells to a higher level. 

The 963 Hz tone is connected with the Light. It helps us return to Oneness, to our very Source and provides the presence of divinity which is amplified, allowing Light and Love, to guide the present experience.

It has long been recognized as one of the ancient healing frequencies of the Solfeggio to help heal the body, mind and soul. It also reconnects you with the Spirit or the non-vibrational energies of the spiritual world.

This frequency connects us with the perfection of the universe, allowing us to tap into the Oneness that permeates everything that is and will be. This means Love without judgement of self or others, for we are all from the same Source. 

963 Hz is associated with the activation of the Crown Chakra and the connection to the source of all humanity. It's also related to the awakening of intuition and the activation of the Pineal Gland. 

The Crown Chakra is linked to the Pineal Gland (central nervous system), through which it's believed one can access high-level intuition, telepathy, psychic vision and an intimate connection with God.

This Solfeggio tone is perhaps the most direct method for re-establishing your connection to the Divine, Source. It is also known as the "Frequency of Christ Consciousness", the consciousness of Unconditional Love and compassion for all there is. 

There is no separation in all that exists, everything has a vibration which is connected to Source. The difference in vibrational frequency rates becomes evident when our personal vibrational frequency doesn't match that of another person. 

This is when discord is recognized, a disharmony to our internal state of homeostasis. The ego can often create this disharmony with its expectations of self or demands upon others to see only our way. Karma can only exist when Love does not.

It is also recognized as the Pineal Activator or "Third Eye" to higher dimensions. The 963 HZ solfeggio tone creates room for Oneness and Unity and awakens your interactions with oneness and interconnectedness with the universes. You will get positive, pure, bright, thoughts and visions in your mind.

The 963 Hz frequency is known as both, the "Pure Miracle Tone" and the "Frequency of the Gods". It raises the positive energy and vibrations and helps to connect to our very Source. Remember that we are all made of Vibration and Energy.

“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9,

then you would have the key to the universe.”  Nikola Tesla

Happy Results! :)



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