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Well I have to report that this time I won’tbe able to finish the comic before the end of the month, I had many complications and I tried to do more things than I was capable of and didn’t take into account the time I had

I created a folder on dropbox where the comic will be once I finish it, in case you decide to delete  your pledge next month you will be able to see it here


I should be able to finish it by April 2/3

Again I apologize for the delays, and thank you for your patience!

EDIT: the comic has already been uploaded to dropbox, thanks for your patience!



No problem! Take your time and work stuff out that you need to. Personally, at least, Patreon isn’t about one comic but about supporting you long term.


Don't worry king we are here for you


It’s ok take ur time we understand

A Strange One

You got this!!!! No worries with any of that!! Hope this doesn't stress ya out


No need to apologize. I'm grateful to see what you come up with.


It's fine


We'll always support you king🥰, take all the time you need.


Omg it’s okay!! Don’t worry I know you work really hard to make the comics! It’s your Patreon! I subscribe regardless so you have support! Good luck!


No problem :D I’m happy you tried to do more! That’s something to be proud of! Unfortunately this time it led to you having to delay some stuff, but ultimately the only way you’ll improve is to push yourself :D I’m happy to continue supporting you :D

Hayden Hayes

It’s very considerate of you to do this! Thanks!


It's all okay!


It's ok don't worry take your time thank you for your work

Raul ortiz

Perfection takes time, you can take all that is necessary! No worries!


Take your time! You cant rush quality and we all have lives to live. Cant wait to see the completed project though!


No worries dude. Your comics are totally worth the wait, so take your time.


Link doesn't work for me unfortunately.