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Hello! First off, if you aren't on Discord, I'd like to apologize both for my recent disappearances and the dip in artwork. As you guys know, I've been knee deep in marriage paperwork, and it's taken a severe toll in my physical health, culminating into a sickness around the end of the month. Also, for the art last month, the usual area where I sit and draw was unavailable due to having no power outlets, so I was forced to sit on the floor and draw at an uncomfortable angle. I know that's not a very good excuse, so I'm going to aspire to make the art better again this month!

ANYWAY, the theme for this June is PRIDE MONTH!! With how tenuous the recent legislation has been, let's all show off our Pride with icons depicting our flag's colors, characters showing off at Pride events, or showing the world their love with romantic LGBT art.

If you guys don't have any LGBT characters, or aren't one yourselves, that's alright! The event is totally optional, and you may commence business as usual.



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