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For people who haven't been keeping up with this project on discord, I recently met a programmer, Exodus, and the development has skyrocketed. I've finished most of the in-game assets, and now we're on our way to programming the game itself! We have some big big updates, which can be seen in the video.

Also! We discussed having a separate patreon for the game, and that will come out as soon as the demo is released. I will still do updates here, but actual regular game updates will go there, and all the money in THAT patreon will be used to pay everyone who worked on the game as well as buy stuff like animations, sound effects, music and the like. If you like this project, I recommend you throw us a couple bucks there too!

Progress Updates

+ UI update. Code-wise, we finished the main menu and an in-game menu, but we're still tweaking everything, so this would be a very close (but not final) menu for when the Prologue demo gets released.

+ Since my programmer is proficient in code, we will be adding an inventory and notes system in the game. You will now be able to purchase plot or secret items, and the Player will be able to record their thoughts on the townies.

+ I commissioned Gummy on Twitter to animate a beating heart for the main menu. We currently only have this placeholder, but it will be replaced. 

+ All the CG for the prologue are finished! I have a new Black sprite, and 2 new sky backgrounds. The demo is going to feature a fuckton of sprites and backgrounds, honestly.

+ We finished the character creation screen! I re-did the player character design to look like they can fit into the town better.

+ Like I said, we're now programming the prologue! It's taking a while because we're still fixing bugs and adding it scene by scene, but it looks like we'll have a demo ready in the next few months.




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