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Happy June, everybody! As happy as you can be with the current stuff going on, anyway. Apologies for the lack of content lately. I decided to take a month off to binge a bunch of media so I can start slowly recovering from my art block. I'll write up a review of everything I've watched soon!

As always, drop off your references here, on Twitter, or on my Discord DMs!

As additional content here's...

The Protest Donation Drive 

Even though I'm not American, I don't wanna sit idly by while police abuse their power and arrest our Black brothers and sisters, and everybody fighting for them. 

If you donate to any of the organizations below and show me the receipt, you can get art way cheaper than my usual commissions!



What are things you can get? 

$5 - lineart bust

$10 - flat colored bust

$15 - lineart halfbody

$20 - flat colored halfbody

This offer will be public for a limited time, but Patrons, and my Patrons' friends, can get them until the 15th of June! Tell your friends, and show their receipts to me. Don't miss out on this deal.

Black Lives Matter. 



thank you for sharing your support ! I've also been trying to donate to different resources when I can. here's my ref for this month! it's another one of my girls from The Sims, specifically my attempt at a Rags to Riches challenge https://toyhou.se/4869075.kelsi-biello


Really low on brain power so far this month Jack, pls pick whomever you fancy 💕❤💖💘🥺