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Some goblins and a sheepie dreamboy! The goblins are part of Ferris's/Teacup's group of friends, and the dapper lad is part of Sunny's/Oilslick's! In order or photoset: 

Vermin (Self-given name), nicknamed Verm or Vee, half-Goblin half-Human. Lovable scumbag. Internet Warlock. Magicless but skilled in stealing corporate media and selling it for dirt cheap. Sincerely passionate artist -- it's considered an honor to be painted nude by this guy, because he makes people feel good about their bodies, always sees something compelling in them. He's warm company in general, but there's a more oppressive reason underneath, a refusal to mope when by all odds he shouldn't be getting by, shouldn't be alive, yet is. He wants to spend all his time appreciating that fluke, and helping others do the same.

Sourworm is a lil' gremlin of a girl, Vermin's best friend (in a partnership they call The Goons), a lime and lemon sour gummy worm Candy Goblin. She's the youngest and most immature of Ferris's group. She's clingy, gets jealous easily, has a writhing mass of insecurities, and does mean squeaky cackles. Naturally, she's also very beloved. She doesn't have a lot of friends, but the few she does have think of her more as a prickly hedgehog than anything poisonous. Sour, but still sweet.

Beau Honeycutt (Name stolen from an OC that never went anywhere but had too good a name to toss) is one of the Moonfolk aliens, the godlike species living a mysterious, dreamy existence on the Moon and in space, more comfortable in the starsoup than on the planet of Pastelia and much older than its residents. Unlike Teacup and Ollie, he's not royalty, but he does associate with the elite. He's been an informant and negotiator for hundreds of years. But this also exposed him to mortal life, and a wide range of people and their lifestyles, over that time. He's not the most ethical and obedient. He's a wolf in gentleman sheep's clothing, everything about him honeyed. Like all Moonfolk, gender and presentation is not fixed, and in Beau's case, he's learned to use that as a weapon to attract more flies. He can make speeches for hours bullshitting standards and reason and respectability, but he's desperately reliant on pleasureseeking and ego. He and Oilslick make a perfect match. Beau's deeply attracted to driven leaders that can disregard boundaries and make things happen. The approach clashes with his own, which both infuriates and attracts him. They bicker, they fuck, and they scheme. His magical girl form is soon to be designed, but his official title is Heavenly Honeycomb, and his preferred weapons are doublewield pistols that shoot things full of  holes, rapidfire -- making them look like honeycombs.

The first design is by me, the second two are lightly adjusted designs bought from the absolutely lovely @honeybonnies and @gillyvor on twitter. They're also dear pals so it's very fun to immortalize some of their work in my own! I was a little stuck with some designs because I wasn't being indulgent enough, and seeing a lot of cuties helped snap me into inspiration mode. More character designs of my own + Mr. Lu's still upcoming! I wouldn't be a dedicated gay if I didn't spotlight my darling's work too. 

Upcoming is the Goblin Queen, Ex-Goblin King Peppermint, Ferris and Sunny design updates, and for filling out the friend groups, an ice cream Witch, a tryhard oblivious hero boy, and a cute nerd turned mean girl. 



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