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(characters marked with a * are trans and are described with their preferred gender/pronouns)

============= THUNDERCLAN =============

Leader: Tinystar – very small black tom with ice-blue eyes and one white paw (Sandstorm’s mate, father of Nightfrost and Shadepool)

Deputy: n/a

Medicine Cats:

Brackenfur – golden brown tabby tom

Shadepool – very dark tortoiseshell she-cat with white paws


Mousefur – small dusky brown she-cat (Spiderpaw)

Longtail – pale tabby tom with dark black stripes and a long tail, blind *

Graystripe – long-furred gray tom with a dark stripe of fur down his spine (Silverstream’s mate)

Silverstream – sleek-furred silver tabby she-cat, formerly of RiverClan (Graystripe’s mate, mother of Feathertail and Stormfur)

Dustpelt – dark brown tabby tom (Cinderpelt’s mate)

Cinderpelt – smoky dark gray she-cat (Dustpelt’s mate, mother of Spiderpaw)

Cloudtail – white she-cat with ginger tabby patches and a fluffy white tail (Swiftfoot and Brightheart’s mate)

Brightheart – pretty white she-cat with ginger patches, missing an eye and ear (Swiftfoot and Cloudtail’s mate, mother of Whitewing)

Swiftfoot – stocky black-and-white tom, missing his tail (Cloudtail and Brightheart’s mate)

Ashfur – pale gray tom with darker flecks, dark blue eyes (Larchpaw)

Snowstep – snowy white tom, very blue eyes; deaf (Ferncloud’s mate)

Sootfur – light gray tabby tom, amber eyes

Rainwhisker – dark gray tom

Sorreltail – thick-furred tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat

Mistyfoot – long-furred dark blue-gray she-cat, blue eyes

Nightfrost – very small black tom with a thick, plumy tail and white paws

Whitewing – white she-cat with a ginger tabby rump and a ginger tail

Sun That Scatters on Water (Sun) – pale ginger tabby she-cat with white dappling and sharp yellow eyes, formerly of the Tribe of Rushing Water *


Spiderpaw – leggy smoky gray she-cat * (Spiderfang)

Larchpaw – white tom with gray tabby patches, bi-colored eyes, half deaf


Ferncloud – pale gray she-cat with darker flecks, green eyes (Snowstep’s mate, mother of Larchpaw)



============= WINDCLAN =============

Leader: Mudstar– mottled dark brown tabby tom with a limp

Deputy: Crowflight – smoky gray, almost black, tom, blue eyes

Medicine Cat: Ryewhisper – very small brown-and-white tabby tom with bright green eyes


Webfoot – dark gray tabby tom * (Weaselpaw)

Tornear – tabby tom with a ripped ear (Thistlepaw)

Poppyfoot – tortoiseshell she-cat

Softbreeze – very pale gray she-cat, former loner (mother of Weaselpaw and Thistlepaw)

Smokewillow – lean pale gray-and-white tabby tom (Robinwing’s mate)

Whitetail – small white she-cat

Emberstep – smoky black she-cat

Duskwhisker – sleek black she-cat

Thorndusk – golden-brown she-cat


Weaselpaw – pale gray tom with a dark stripe down his spine (Weaselstrike)

Thistlepaw – gray tabby tom (Thistlefur)


Bramblefur – pale brown tabby she-cat, amber eyes (mother of Thorndusk)

Robinwing – light brown she-cat with blue eyes (Smokewillow’s mate, mother of Blizzardkit, Galekit, Sleetkit, and Ashkit)



============= RIVERCLAN =============

Leader: Leopardstar – dappled golden tabby she-cat with a scarred muzzle (mother of Falcontail and Mothwing)

Deputy: Tawnypelt – tortoiseshell she-cat with broad shoulders, green eyes (mother of Goldenpaw, Reedpaw and Rosepaw)

Medicine Cat: Mothwing – lovely golden-brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes


Ripplecloud – gray tabby tom with white paws (Goldenpaw)

Brackenflight – golden brown tabby she-cat

Heronleap – lean smoky gray-black tom *

Heavystep – thickset tabby tom (Reedpaw)

Leafwhisker – small brown tabby tom (Rosepaw)

Falcontail – smoky tabby tom with yellow eyes

Frostsplash – white tom, former loner

Mackerelshine – tabby-and-white she-cat, former kittypet


Goldenpaw – broad-shouldered golden tabby tom (Goldenscale)

Reedpaw – black tom (Reedwhisker)

Rosepaw – ginger-patched white she-cat (Roseshine)


Mosspelt – tortoiseshell she-cat (mother of Willowkit)

Dawnflower – pale gray she-cat (mother of Frostsplash’s kits – Minnowkit, Pebblekit, and Tumblekit)


Blackclaw – smoky black tom

============= SHADOWCLAN =============

Leader: Russetstar – dark ginger she-cat with scarred shoulders (Pansytail’s mate)

Deputy: Blackfoot – large, sturdy white tom with black face, paws, and tail

Medicine Cat: Littlecloud – very small brown tabby tom


Oakfur – small brown tom

Cedarheart – dark gray tom (Finchsong’s mate)

Orre – golden-brown tom (Tallpoppy’s mate)

Pansytail – tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat, brilliant green eyes, former BloodClan cat (Russetstar’s mate)

Wolftooth – thick-furred gray tom, former BloodClan cat (father of Finchsong)

Rowanclaw – ginger tabby tom * (Stoneheart’s mate)

Stoneheart – thick-furred pale blue-gray tom, blue eyes (Rowanclaw’s mate) (Rushpaw)

Pinewhisker – scarred dark brown tabby tom, former loner (Nightwing’s mate) (Willowpaw)

Skipnose – black-and-white tom with a black tail, former kittypet

Talonstripe – dark brown tabby tom

Smokeflower – a dark gray tom

Redclaw – ginger she-cat, former kittypet


Willowpaw – dark gray tom with faint tabby stripes

Rushpaw – pale gray tom


Tallpoppy – long-legged light brown tabby she-cat (mother of Orre’s kits – Talonstripe, Applekit, Toadkit, and Marshkit)

Finchsong – very pale gray she-cat, former BloodClan cat (mother of Willowpaw and Rushpaw)

Nightwing – black she-cat (Pinewhisker’s mate, expecting)




Midnight – stargazing badger that lives by the sea

Smoky – bulky gray-and-white tom, barn cat (Floss and Daisy’s mate)

Daisy – long-haired cream-colored she-cat, barn cat (Smoky’s mate, mother of Berry, Hazel, and Goose)

Floss – very small white she-cat with a gray-spotted nose, barn cat (Smoky’s mate)

Root – golden tabby tom (father of Goldenpaw, Rosepaw, and Reedpaw)

Jaques – large, scarred, black-and-white tom, kittypet

Susan – lean light brown tabby she-cat, kittypet


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