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I've been chugging away at Twilight, and I'm now at 13 out of ~30 chapters! Like I did with Starlight, I thought it would be nice to post a few early snippets for y'all! This is all still rough, and may contain spoilers for the keen of eye.

I've been having a lot of fun using Campfire to write this - Campfire isn't the same as Microsoft Word, so some differences will be in these previews. I hope you enjoy what's seen here!

All work seen below is subject to change and should not be taken as the final product. In no way are these excerpts to be used outside of Patreon, and in no way is anyone else allowed to take credit for them.





I can't show too much more without heavier story spoilers :P But! I hope this helps y'all wonder a little bit about what's going on! Twilight is a story about faith, relationships (platonic and romantic), and strong emotions, and I'm doing everything I can to make it all work well together!



I see both kid’s inherited their father’s temper