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Hey all!

Just a quick check-in! I'm taking a few days off, but I am still chugging away at my projects!

Twilight has finally hit a point where I'm happy writing it! There are still some kinks, but those will smooth out as I go I'm sure (I hope). I'm finding it easy to get in the zone now and that's partially what was bugging me. I'm not going to set a date for when it'll be ready for Patreon, but hopefully it's sooner than later - definitely will be ready this year though.

I've started using Campfire Write to write my stories, and it's making the process very fun! If you're looking for a writing software that lets you keep a whole lot of details in one place, I'd recommend giving it a look - the fact that you can buy only the modules you want and own them forever is extremely appealing lol

I thought that I would be able to hit my goal of Twilight and Sunset being done this year, and while that may still happen, I'm not sure at this point lol. We'll see! I also still hope to finish the first arc of KB's rewrite (tentatively titled Otherworld).

Other than that, nothing major is really happening. Just thought I'd check in! I hope you're all doing well and, as always, I endlessly appreciate your support.

Take care!



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