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Hello all and welcome to my drafting notes for my TB AU: Starlight story!

Unfortunately, it seems as if I've done something with my notes on previous stories - I can't find any of them. I'll obviously keep looking, but Starlight's notes are intact and I'll be doing my best to format them here for you all to understand some of my thought process!

This is going to be a long post, so let's dive right in!


[These beginning notes are small, chapter-by-chapter outlines. Each one contains the base premise of a chapter and the direction they should follow.

Obviously, not everything that happens in these notes actually happen in the main story. Sometimes scenes deviate from my initial thoughts and I have to alter things in further scenes and chapters to make sense with the new status quo.]

StarClan – Redtail observes their new hunting grounds, and he gathers with the other StarClan cats around their side of the Moonpool to discuss where to go from here.

Obviously, the new connection must be established – or reestablished, as one of the StarClan cats points out. The portal has been dormant for a very, very long time. They need to figure out how to reactivate it before bringing the medicine cats to it. Yellowfang is seen looking out for Nightfrost and Shadepaw, as if they were her own grandkits.

Spottedleaf pulls Redtail aside and expresses that the time foretold by the Omen is coming, and Redtail insists that Spottedleaf is too obsessed with that old prophecy. Spottedleaf states that the lake territories are where it all began, and where it can all end, and the Clans can finally live in peace here. She warns that the Eclipse is coming, whether Redtail believes in it or not, and that she will be working to prevent what seems to be something very apocalyptic (she mentions that Yellowfang is with her on this, and perhaps others).

Redtail is uncertain, worried for his sister and what she might do, and what it might mean for the Clans, as he turns to help the other cats re-open the Moonpool.

[This scene was altered somewhat in that Spottedleaf's obsession with the Omen prophecy is not mentioned.]

The Clans settling in at a point they will call the Arrival, wondering where to go from here. After a brief recap of the previous books, Crowflight sees the leaders and deputies discussing before they move off to an old tree stump to make an announcement. Mudclaw is in place of Tallstar, and there is no ThunderClan deputy.

Crowflight thinks about Mudclaw, how strong of a deputy he is and what a harsh but fair mentor he was, and worries for Tallstar, who hasn’t moved since he arrived at the lake. He believes that Tallstar will likely not go much farther, and was glad the old leader gave him a warrior name before he died.

The leaders announce that a patrol will be sent around the lake to search for new camps and get a feel for the territories around the lake. Mistyfoot from ThunderClan, Crowflight from WindClan, Stoneheart from ShadowClan, and Tawnypelt from RiverClan are chosen. Nightfrost insists on coming, and Tinystar indulges him, calling it his first warrior mission.

In the meantime, the deputies are told to assign hunting parties. There’s a grating comment on ThunderClan’s lack of deputy, but Tinystar seemingly ignores it, and sees Mistyfoot off instead. One of ThunderClan’s senior warriors handles the hunting patrol instead.

Crowflight notices Shadepaw with the medicine cats and asks if she’s able to come along. Shadepaw says that she asked Brackenfur, but he insisted that the medicine cats were needed here. She tells him good luck, and to take care of Nightfrost, and Crowflight’s paws feel light with her blessing.

It’s only when they’re about to head out that Crowflight thinks on the fact that the Clans would be separating into four again very soon.

Mistyfoot takes the lead, and Crowflight laments not checking out the moors first. Crowflight begins to pull away from the others in an attempt to keep himself from getting too hurt. Tawnypelt quizzes the cats about their first journey and finds herself impressed by the experience of these young cats.

Nightfrost brings up the island as a possibility, but Tawnypelt refutes it – it's too dangerous to be so isolated, and it could make hunting very difficult. Nightfrost points out that some cat is swimming to the island, and Tawnypelt guesses that it’s Falcontail, who probably thinks that it might be a good RiverClan camp.

Mistyfoot questions if Falcontail is always trying to question her authority like that, but Tawnypelt gets a little defensive. She says that he’s the leader’s son, and a very loyal warrior besides. He’s just young, and hasn’t been tempered by much experience. She jokes that journeying with the chosen cats might’ve taken some of the sass out of him.

Tawnypelt chooses RiverClan’s camp from the place Midnight had the chosen cats rest. She complains about the nearby Twolegplace, but is otherwise pleased with the spot. This irritates Crowflight, who thinks she might not put much effort into helping the other Clans find their homes.

They head into the pine forest and Stoneheart finds a good spot for ShadowClan to camp. The cats spot a Twoleg nest and decide to investigate.

The nest seems to lay on the border of what they begin to call the Deep Woods – a place eerie even for ShadowClan, filled with massive trees with branches impractically high for any of the other forest cats. Stoneheart decides that this place might make good territory but maybe not good ShadowClan territory – Mistyfoot and Nightfrost agree, but on the ThunderClan side. Crowflight thinks its mouse-brained, and that trees are trees. Tawnypelt agrees, but lets them get on.

[The search for new camps around the lake takes about three chapters in the original? If that? Here, since I've expanded the distance and not every Clan is going to be featured in a book, I wanted some more detail given.]

Camp search trip day 1: RiverClan and ShadowClan and the Deep Woods

They reach the cabin the next day and Tawnypelt explains that sometimes Twolegs like living far away from one another, and that maybe this is such a place. Before they can ponder it very long, two large cats burst from the nest and attack.

Falcontail suggests the nearby island for RiverClan’s camp. Leopardstar doesn’t deny him the right to take a patrol to check it out, but it’s clear he did it to rub Tawnypelt the wrong way. The group spies him doing this on their way.

Camp search trip day 2: The Sky Oak, ThunderClan, and Crowflight finding WindClan’s camp solo + exploring it, hypothesizing about where dens might go and imagining his Clanmates living there + feeling proud about picking this place

The patrol returns to the Arrival

The return. Crowflight finds WindClan’s camp, after berating Tawnypelt for wanting to hurry up and suggesting that maybe there isn’t time for WindClan. The others defend Crowflight’s right to look.

Crowflight tells Shadepaw all about WindClan’s territory, and Shadepaw reveals that the medicine cats will be looking for a new Moonstone. Both are chastised for this.

Tallstar dies with only Tinystar and Mistyfoot as witness – Onewhisker is reportedly chosen as the next WindClan leader and Mudclaw, and some of WindClan, is furious. Ashfoot is chosen as deputy.

The island is not chosen as RiverClan’s camp. Until a new Gathering spot is found, the Clans agree to take the Arrival as their Gathering place. Territories will be agreed upon at the next Gathering but tentative ones are in place.

The Clans depart for their new territories.

The Clans separate. The journeying cats gather together to say good-bye, and suggest meeting up at the Gatherings to see how the Clans are doing. Mistyfoot insists that the Clans will be closer for all they’ve gone through.

Crowflight hurts watching Shadepaw leave. He feels that she understood him best.

Introduction to WindClan’s camp, and Onewhisker’s reluctance to start building it up right away the next day causes problems with Mudclaw, who insists that fortifications need to happen immediately. Onewhisker says that rest is important and that they’ve had a very long journey. He sends out patrols to map out their territory boundaries and asks Crowflight to lead one.

Crowflight is astonished by the responsibility, but both Onewhisker and Mudclaw agree that he is the best choice. Onewhisker insists that no one picks fights, but Mudclaw insists that WindClan’s borders should be solid.

Crowflight chooses Duskwhisker and a few other cats to go with him and sets off, concerned that Onewhisker and Mudclaw might be fighting forever.

[When it comes to scenes that contain patrols, I sometimes like to list out which cats are on those patrols, especially if their presence matters. It also helps me keep track of who should be where so characters aren't in two places at once.

For instance, here it was important to have Ashfur be an instigator, and for Sun to witness and be confused about how the Clans fight with one another, something she's not used to.]

Crowflight’s patrol = Duskwhisker, Webfoot, Weaselpaw

Nightfrost’s patrol = Sun, Brightheart, and Ashfur

Crowflight’s border patrol. He goes all along the territories and with the help of Webfoot and estimates how much land WindClan would need. At the edge of their territory, on the Golden Hills, he sees just how far the moorland stretches and wonders what else is out there.

[Originally, badgers were going to have a similar role to their canon one. However, they were very quickly removed early on in my thoughts about the story.]

Evidence of a badger’s set somewhere in here.

He and Duskwhisker banter as they head to the river and meet a ThunderClan patrol. Already it seems like territory hostilities are back between Duskwhisker and Ashfur, but Crowflight and Nightfrost talk amicably and agree that the river might be the best border anyone could ask for. ThunderClan is not happy about giving away the forest on the other side, and Nightfrost jokes that no one wants to get their paws wet for a squirrel anyway to soothe them.

Crowflight makes his report to Onewhisker, who seems unsure about the forest land. Mudclaw sees it as an opportunity during leafbare, but Onewhisker and Ashfoot drown him out with how WindClan has never needed trees before. Duskwhisker points out that it wasn’t long ago that rabbits nearly killed them all, and some agree with her.

Crowflight isn’t fond of the hostile air as Onewhisker reluctantly concedes to that point.

The next morning, Barkface announces that Whitetail has whitecough.

Alarmed, Onewhisker sends Crowflight to escort Ryewhisper to ThunderClan’s camp and get aid from Brackenfur. No catmint has been found on their territory yet. Mudclaw does not like seeking aid from ThunderClan.

They go together, and Crowflight recalls how skittish Ryewhisper has always been. He was a good medicine cat aside from that.

They find ThunderClan’s camp and Crowflight is astonished at how quickly it’s all come together, compared to WindClan. He feels prickly and embarrassed that his Clanmates were too busy bickering to decide where to put dens.

[Crowflight does a lot of traveling to other Clan's camps in this story, and this was made a bit more significant after reading Winds of Change.

That story talks a lot about how Onewhisker wasn't creating a safe environment for the Clan, and I borrowed that element for this story in order to show that Onewhisker is overwhelmed by his new role and is unsure what to do, in comparison to established leaders who were already settled.]

They speak to Brackenfur, who doesn’t have catmint yet but did find a healthy stock of tansy, which might stave off greencough – he sends Shadepaw with it and promises to send catmint if he finds it.

The three of them journey back to WindClan camp and Crowflight thinks about how quickly cats from other Clans felt alien again, after only a few days. He watches Ryewhisper and Shadepaw talk and Crowflight finds himself jealous of how easily the medicine cats talk to one another.

They arrive back in WindClan camp and Shadepaw treats Whitetail. For this, Onewhisker says that ThunderClan can have the strip of forest, which he tells Shadepaw after arguing with Mudclaw. Shadepaw is shocked, along with Duskwhisker and Mudclaw and a few other cats, including Crowflight.

Though he’s happy to escort Shadepaw back to her camp, Crowflight feels a foreboding in his paws. He asks if Shadepaw or the other medicine cats have found their Moonstone yet, but Shadepaw says they haven’t.

Crowflight dreams of Shadepaw.

The Clan is arguing about the border shift the next day. Not at all eager to participate, Crowflight says he’s going hunting. Duskwhisker goes with him, and unfortunately the argument follows.

Duskwhisker hints that Mudclaw might want to cast stones. Crowflight says that would go against Tallstar’s wishes – but Duskwhisker implies that only Tinystar, Onewhisker, and Mistyfoot witnessed Tallstar’s death. They could very well be lying.

Crowflight tells her to keep that to herself, as WindClan was in enough trouble as it is with how slowly they were adapting to the lake. He knows that Tallstar did not say the right words to change deputies. He tells Duskwhisker how, even without a deputy, ThunderClan’s camp was already running smoothly, and Duskwhisker looks silently horrified.

The two investigate a possible fox intrusion on their territory. The den is the fox’s winter den, and the pair seem to have returned.

A few days later. The foxes are being monitored.

A patrol comes in after having had an argument with a ThunderClan patrol who were hunting in the moorland woods. Onewhisker insists that it wasn’t WindClan’s place to bother them, their border was at the treeline now – Mudclaw insists that Onewhisker never should have made that deal, but Onewhisker reasons that Whitetail was cured and that it could’ve been a lot worse without ThunderClan’s help.

It almost comes to blows, but Ashfoot settles the dispute. Crowflight is proud of his mother even if it was just cobweb over a bleed-out.

Smokewillow says that Thornpaw fought well and says its time she be made a warrior – Onewhisker, however, refuses, as he doesn’t have his StarClan-given name yet. He promises that as soon as he does, Thornpaw will have her warrior name.

As if to lighten the Clan’s mood, Robinwing announces she’s having kits – Smokewillow's kits. News which causes Duskwhisker to leave camp in a hurry. Crowflight follows.

Crowflight catches up with Duskwhisker and talks to her. While Crowflight had been gone on the first journey, Duskwhisker and Smokewillow had apparently grown close, but when Duskwhisker wanted to commit and have kits, Smokewillow had refused and they’d broken up somewhat badly. Now, Duskwhisker sees how quickly he moved on to Robinwing and wonders if he'd suddenly changed his mind or just that he got bored of her.

Crowflight tells Duskwhisker that she’s a great warrior and a good friend, and that Smokewillow is a rabbit-brain.

[Duskwhisker needed a bit of a reason to be isolated from her Clanmates, and in a similar way to Crowflight. It helps their friendship seem more believable, and makes it hard for Crowflight to push her away, even when her opinions don't mirror his.]

They return to camp and find that Ryewhisper seeks an escort again. He wants to go to RiverClan this time, as their territory is wetter, and see if Mothwing has any borage for Robinwing. Both warriors agree to go, though Duskwhisker is a little more reluctant, as the task has to do with Robinwing.

The patrol journeys to RiverClan territory. They are received warmly by Tawnypelt and taken to Mothwing, who says that she spotted some borage near ShadowClan territory. She shares what she’s picked and, when Ryewhisper asks after catmint, too, Mothwing says that she’s found some in the Twolegplace near their boundaries. She shares this as well, asking that some also go to ThunderClan, giving it to Crowflight and asking him to say hello to Shadepaw for her, and say that she misses having her help.

Outside, Duskwhisker is talking with Falcontail and their conversation ends abruptly when Crowflight and Ryewhisper show up. Crowflight wonders what they were talking about, but they leave with thanks to Leopardstar and Mothwing.

Ryewhisper and Duskwhisker return to camp, and Crowflight continues on to ThunderClan territory to deliver the catmint. He’s spotted by Sun, who is eager to see him, though her mentor Brightheart insists that she must be more reserved when dealing with cats from other Clans. Sun doesn't seem to get why, but obeys in a rather comical manner.

They go to ThunderClan camp and Crowflight delivers the catmint to Brackenfur. He speaks with Shadepaw, who says she will see him to the border because she wants to stretch her legs. Tinystar asks after WindClan and Onewhisker, but Crowflight is reluctant to respond.

Shadepaw interrogates him instead, and Crowflight ends up venting to her about WindClan’s problems. He feels at ease with her and comfortable, and at the border they talk at length. He confesses that he’s fine with the Clans being separate but he misses talking to her more than anyone.

Shadepaw agrees, and the two part with an affectionate brush of their muzzles.

Crowflight is spotted by Duskwhisker.

Duskwhisker confronts him about talking with Shadepaw. WindClan is in enough trouble without Crowflight padding after a ThunderClan cat – not to mention a medicine cat.

Crowflight insists nothing is going on here, that he and Shadepaw had become good friends throughout their journeys. Duskwhisker tells him that he can lie to her all he wants, but not to lie to himself. Crowflight is annoyed. Duskwhisker promises not to tell, since he listened to her vent about Smokewillow, but she urges him to be careful nonetheless. Crowflight feels as if he finally has a friend in WindClan.

[This conversation between Duskwhisker and Crowflight was one of the first scenes I had in mind for Starlight. I thought it was very poignant, and it laid bare Crowflight's problem here pretty simply, even if he can't see it that way yet.]

They return to camp late at night and Duskwhisker invites Crowflight to a secret meeting. Together they listen as Mudclaw and his supporters talk about Onewhisker’s decision making and what they might do about it – unfortunately, the warrior code doesn't give them much leeway in a situation like this.

It is undoubtable though that Mudclaw will challenge Onewhisker. Crowflight worries how.

The first Gathering. Along the way the WindClan and ThunderClan patrols meet the Horseplace cats – Smoky and Daisy, who are guarding Floss, a queen who just gave birth. Smoky warns about foxes prowling the area, hungry in leafbare. Onewhisker insists that they’ve found a fox den near their outer boundaries and are monitoring it.

Territories are solidified – Tinystar returns the strip of forest, citing that the river, now called the Divide, made for a much cleaner border, and ThunderClan had no need of the excess land. A bit of land is dedicated to cats that need to go between Clans for messages or errands.

Warriors are announced for every Clan aside from WindClan. Some cats wonder if it’s better to not have a deputy instead of having no real leader.

Crowflight meets with the others. He is reluctant to talk about WindClan’s problems, especially when it seems like the other Clans are doing so much better. Shadepaw beseeches them all to try and find a special place that could serve as a Moonstone.

The day after the Gathering

Shadepaw is at the border of WindClan while Crowflight is patrolling with Duskwhisker, saying that she’s been asked to deliver herbs to Mothwing

Crowflight and Duskwhisker escort her.

At the RiverClan border they meet a patrol with Falcontail in it, who promise to bring Shadepaw back. Crowflight elects to stay and wait for her. Duskwhisker and Falcontail regard themselves with familiarity, and Crowflight recalls seeing them talk at the Gathering

Recalling the others’ opinions, Crowflight tells Duskwhisker that Falcontail might be dangerous. Duskwhisker says she’s flattered that he’s worried but she can take care of herself – besides, she’s not in love with him, which makes Crowflight bristle.

Shadepaw returns and is escorted back. She seems oblivious that Crowflight and Duskwhisker are annoying one another, and says that Duskwhisker seems like a good friend. Crowflight concedes that she is, and wonders if Shadepaw is jealous.

Crowflight sees that Thornpaw is upset about not being made a warrior after the Gathering when apprentices both older and younger than she were named. The other apprentices are also annoyed, wondering if they would ever be warriors.

Crowflight is distracted by thoughts of Shadepaw.

[The fox attack is also reference to Winds of Change, wherein some foxes sneak up on WindClan and Mudclaw doesn't warn Onewhisker in hopes they might kill him.]

Robinwing moves into the nursery, excited about her kits.

A sudden fox attack spurs Onewhisker into action on fortifying the camp walls further, and makes Mudclaw and his supporters angrier with his lackadaisical leadership. Crowflight thought he saw Mudclaw let the foxes hurt Onewhisker and wonders if his former mentor meant to kill Onewhisker.

Recovery from the fox attack. Onewhisker, despite his wounds, spent a lot of time securing the walls of camp, showing his patience and dedication. Those that are on his side argue that Onewhisker hadn’t been able to predict the fox attack

The fox attack is because Thistlepaw and Weaselpaw stole prey from foxes.

[Regrettably, Mudclaw and Crowflight's relationship was one of the things I didn't think to flesh out further until the story was very far along. I wanted their relationship to come off as antagonistic and even abusive on Mudclaw's part, with him holding Crowpaw back from his warrior name for likely about a year in order to make him "measure up" to Deadfoot.

Since there's about a two-year time difference between Darkest Hour and Midnight, this helps explain why Crowflight is technically a much older apprentice. Unfortunately, that's not really commented on in Midnight, because I didn't think of it until Starlight.]

A dream about Mudclaw and Crowpaw during training, after Crowpaw is caught stealing prey from ThunderClan during the drought in Midnight. Mudclaw threatens to hold Crowpaw back from his ceremony if he’s caught again. Mudclaw tells Crowpaw that he needs to be like his father, and Crowpaw snaps back that he doesn’t even know his father, not for real. He thinks about seeing Deadfoot in his dream and wonders if he really is his father, or if cats just made it up to make him feel better about being born so alone.

They establish Lakeview and post a watch on it every night

Nice moment between Ashfoot and Crowflight – they reminisce about Deadfoot, worry about the state of the Clan, and Ashfoot even points out how cute a couple Crowflight and Duskwhisker might make, though Crowflight insists they’re just friends and changes the subject to WindClan’s leadership.

Ashfoot points out that Mudclaw is aggressive but experienced, while Onestar is struggling to find his paws as a leader but is compassionate – together, they could work, but set against one another they might tear WindClan apart, and it clearly worries her very much

Another meeting. The invited cats have been pruned down to those most likely to agree with Mudclaw – Duskwhisker, Emberfoot, Softbreeze, Tornear, and, because Duskwhisker asked it, Crowflight.

Mudclaw takes them outside the camp this time and they meet with Falcontail, who supports Mudclaw’s bid for leadership. Falcontail promises he’s not the only one, and it’s not just RiverClan. He further turns ThunderClan into manipulators, and promises that their group will have plenty of allies should fighting break out.

Crowflight hates this entire thing, and hates that Duskwhisker is involved. Duskwhisker says that Falcontail has been approaching her, and that she hopes that Crowflight will tell her when she’s about to do something stupid, like she does with him, because they’re friends. Crowflight tells her that this is stupid, and Duskwhisker agrees, worried about what Falcontail wants.

She doesn’t like Falcontail, because in the old forest he would loom over WindClan as they drank from the river, as if he owned every drop of water. She bets he’s not much fun to be around.

Falcontail encourages Mudclaw to force a casting of the stones

  • A badger makes its set on WindClan territory, but Crowflight and a few warriors, including Mudclaw, drive her and her kits out. Crowflight wishes that badgers were like Midnight, and misses the old she-badger, wondering if she’d have any wisdom for their current troubles as Mudclaw is praised for his bravery and some cats openly wish for him to be leader again

[The above scene was struck out - evidence of where the badger plot was leading.]

Mudclaw does just that

Onewhisker refuses the casting of stones outright, stating that Tallstar’s word was law. Mudclaw bristles and insists that it’s a very convenient law if only benefits him. He has a right to demand the casting and Onewhisker denying it only weakens his position.

It begins to sleet, and before the arguing can consume the Clan, Barkface uses this as an opportunity to express that StarClan disapproves of the idea of a casting at this time. He tells them that all is right in WindClan. It staves off a fight, though Mudclaw’s supporters only seem to grow as Onewhisker denies telling the truth.

Crowflight wonders if that’s really the truth, and wanders off to clear his head.

He meets Shadepaw, who was picking herbs at the Divide before they’re swallowed by snow and ice. . Crowflight asks if medicine cats lie about signs from StarClan.

Shadepaw looks uncomfortable, but admits that sometimes it might be necessary. Crowflight doesn't want to go back to WindClan, and Shadepaw tells him that only he can decide how much of something he’s willing to take. They spend the day and night together.

Shadepaw confesses that she’s been dreaming of the Divide of late, and it feels like something keeps pulling her paws to the river

[Fun fact - Barkface did lie here! He was desperate to keep his Clan from fighting one another. This question helps encourage Shadepaw to tell a white lie later on.]

Things are so tense now in WindClan that it is unbearable to be there – hardly a moment passes without a fight nearly breaking out. Ashfoot, with her injuries, can only keep the peace for so long. Onewhisker goes nowhere without Whitetail or another one of his other supporters. Mudclaw stares at Onewhisker almost constantly, aware that he has put the other warrior on edge.

Crowflight visits Ashfoot and attempts to explain himself for the day before, but Ashfoot is concerned that Crowflight choosing the wrong side in this might prevent WindClan from ever knowing peace. Crowflight doubts his opinions were ever that important, but Ashfoot doesn’t agree. Ashfoot doesn’t know how long things can last like this.

ThunderClan comes and asks WindClan about border crossings, a patrol of Tinystar, Dustpelt, and Mistyfoot. Tinystar and Onewhisker meet privately and Crowflight feels guilty, knowing that it’s because of him seeing Shadepaw and that this will fan the flames even more. Mudclaw and his followers think the visit is an excuse to have Onewhisker and Tinystar plot.

Crowflight chats with Mistyfoot. She can sense there’s something wrong about things in WindClan, and tries to press Crowflight but, conscious of every cat in WindClan watching him and having to prove both his loyalty to his own Clan and knowing that looking like he was siding with ThunderClan might put Duskwhisker in a bad position, he brushes her off. Mistyfoot seems upset by his attitude and Crowflight feels awful about it.

Duskwhisker guesses him out and takes him hunting before something else happens. They talk about how foolish Crowflight is being with Shadepaw and ThunderClan’s deputy situation. Crowflight says that Mistyfoot would make a good deputy if Tinystar could only see it – Duskwhisker wonders who might really end up as WindClan’s deputy in the end.

The two discover an entrance to one of the tunnels in the set that they had driven the badger from. Duskwhisker wants to report it, that it might be useful – but when Crowflight asks her who she would report it to, and she admits Mudclaw, they both promise to keep the entrance secret until WindClan’s situation calmed down.

[At this point in the draft, I was sure that the tunnels would probably not be super important - but, in order to keep the option open for later, and to establish them early so it's not out of nowhere, I threw in a scene with them.]

Crowflight dreams of Shadepaw, of a tormented WindClan, and of losing his mother and Duskwhisker. He dreams of the rolling hills he saw when he first scouted the territory and wonders if it might be easier to just see what lay at the end of them. He sees Deadfoot for the first time in his dreams since he was an apprentice, but they do not speak.

He wakes and sees Mudclaw entering camp before dawn. The two go on a small patrol together and Crowflight is conscious that Mudclaw smells of water and RiverClan. Mudclaw asks for Crowflight’s loyalty after a conversation about their time as mentor and apprentice and, caught on the spot, Crowflight has to give it.

Mudclaw seems pleased, and says that WindClan will be back to normal soon. Crowflight hopes to StarClan that Mudclaw isn’t doing this for his own selfish reasons, that pulling WindClan apart like this is worth it.

Clan infighting as Crowflight returns to camp – Crowflight finds himself forced to stand with Mudclaw and Duskwhisker for their stronger WindClan. Crowflight flees camp out of frustration and collides with Shadepaw at the Divide again. Shadepaw says she’s had a sign from StarClan, that Brackenfur wouldn’t listen to her, and that she needed to follow the river and that she’s scared of going alone.

Crowflight agrees to go with her

Shadepaw and Crowflight journey to find the Moonpool together. Crowflight wants this again, just the two of them on a journey into the unknown. After dreaming of StarClan, Shadepaw declares that she will tell the other medicine cats as soon as possible, so that they can all join there tonight, and Onewhisker can get his nine lives.

Crowflight sees Deadfoot while Shadepaw dreams. Crowflight demands help, answers, anything to help WindClan –Deadfoot has never helped him, not once in his life, and Crowflight demands he pay up now - Deadfoot says that it doesn’t matter whether or not the truth of Onewhisker’s promotion comes out. What matters is loyalty, loyalty to the WindClan that Crowflight truly wants to be part of.

[I ended up cutting the scene where Crowflight openly confronts Deadfoot - I felt like with the tone and pacing, it would seem disruptive. Crowflight thinks enough about how his absent father affects him as it is in this story, and he and Ashfoot somewhat address the unfair expectations later.

However, were I to rewrite Starlight later on, I may include a small scene where Crowflight gets the chance to talk about how it hurt him. Probably to Duskwhisker, who trained with him and would understand.]

Crowflight warns Shadepaw that revealing this too soon could spell disaster for WindClan, but Shadepaw points out that some cats are having doubts about the lake being the place they’re meant to be. Knowing that there is a place for StarClan here, too, will sweep away those concerns. Crowflight has no choice but to agree.

Shadepaw arrives at sunhigh to tell Onewhisker that the Moonpool has been found, and that this is their last chance to have their half-moon meeting. When she says she still needs to travel to RiverClan, Barkface has Ryewhisper go in her stead, reasoning that it would be quicker in the long run. He sets off immediately, and Onewhisker has Whitetail and Crowflight escort Shadepaw back to ThunderClan territory, Barkface promising to follow as soon as he can before he talks with Onewhisker.

Shadepaw distracts Whitetail and offers up a plan: she would reveal her dream about WindClan as if she had gotten at it at the Moonpool meeting, technically lying but giving ThunderClan a reasonable way to be prepared for a fight without implying Onewhisker’s involvement.

Crowflight warns her that Mudclaw will have to act now that Onewhisker can get his nine lives, and for ThunderClan to be prepared, no matter what Shadepaw has to tell them to get them to help. When he returns, Barkface has set out, and WindClan is in a state of concern and tension.

  • Cut Chapter 27 Dialogue:
  • “I hope you understand that none of it is going to matter,” Whitetail growled. “Once Barkface comes back from the medicine cat meeting, Onewhisker will go to this Moonpool and be our leader, whether you like it or not.”
  • Crowflight frowned at her. He thought of what Shadepaw had said the night before, and he dared to ask: “Do you think Onewhisker is the best fit to lead WindClan?”
  • Whitetail curled her lip. This was clearly not the response that she was expecting. “Between him and Mudclaw, he’s the only choice,” she hissed. “And your lot will see it, sooner or later.”
  • Crowflight saw the hostility in her eyes, the conviction that made them burn. “If you’re so certain, then why does it feel like you’re about to claw my ears off anyway?” he asked quietly.
  • Whitetail lashed her tail, taken aback. She scoffed, and then turned away, throwing over her shoulder: “Mudclaw started it. Onewhisker will finish it.”

[As it says above - this dialogue was cut from the scene because it was very aggressive, and I didn't want Whitetail to come off as horrendously mean, just concerned and maybe not the best at expressing it.

Whitetail doesn't want a civil war any more than anyone else, and this conversation makes it seem otherwise, so I reworked the direction.]


  1. Whitetail
  2. Webfoot
  3. Poppyfoot
  4. Bramblefur
  5. Smokewillow
  6. Ashfoot
  7. Robinwing


  1. Tornear
  2. Softbreeze
  3. Emberstep
  4. Weaselpaw
  5. Thistlepaw
  6. Duskwhisker
  7. Thornpaw
[This is, obviously, something VERY important to the story - who is siding with whom in the casting of stones.

I got very lucky in that WindClan had an odd number of eligible cats, which would always leave potential for a tiebreaker. Originally, the apprentices weren't going to vote, but I felt that denying them their opinion on the matter would be unfair.

Barkface abstained from the vote, but he would've voted for Onewhisker. Ryewhisker was convinced to abstain, but it's unclear who he would've chosen.]

Crowflight sleeps through most of the day and into the next. A conversation with Ashfoot? Yknow before she dies?

Barkface returns early the next morning and announces that StarClan has spoken to them at the Moonpool: WindClan holds a casting of stones between Onewhisker and Mudclaw. It cannot be avoided now. The vote divides the Clan, but one stone remains – Crowflight.

Crowflight tells the Clan the truth – that Onewhisker’s appointment was improper. But despite it all, he sees Onewhisker’s WindClan as the one that will last into the future, one that he wants to be part of, one that follows Tallstar’s last and greatest desire, peace. He casts his stone for Onewhisker.

[Now, small deviation - Crowflight does not tell the truth here in the published story. I wanted to impress instead that what was said between Tinystar, Tallstar, and Onewhisker didn't, and shouldn't, matter - what mattered was who was actually best for WindClan's future.

What was said might come up later, but there's no promises.]

To his shock, several of Mudclaw’s supporters change their tune, with Duskwhisker leading the change of heart. This makes the votes for Onewhisker unanimous.

Mudclaw views Crowflight as a traitor. He calls the casting invalid and declares war with a signaling yowl, suddenly swarming the camp with his allies from RiverClan and ShadowClan, led by Falcontail. Mudclaw attacks Onewhisker, and the civil war begins.

Civil War – in the midst of a blizzard, Crowflight flees to get the other Clan’s help. ThunderClan, WindClan and some of ShadowClan and RiverClan fight some of ShadowClan, Mudclaw, and some of RiverClan. Stoneheart is not among ShadowClan’s supporters and Crowflight is thankful for that, but he doesn’t arrive in time to save Tornear, who dies to one of the rebels.

ThunderClan arrives and the fighting moves outside of WindClan’s camp and onto the moors. Crowflight fights beside Mistyfoot and Nightfrost. Mistyfoot battles with Falcontail. Nightfrost feels a sense of dread and realizes that Shadepool is in danger.

The two immediately go off to save her.

Civil War – Nightfrost and Crowflight save Shadepool from RiverClan and ShadowClan attackers. Crowflight desperately confesses his love to Shadepool, who returns it. Nightfrost doesn’t seem shocked, he’d always known how his sister felt, and he promises not to reveal his sister’s secret.

Crowflight considers leaving the Clan for good if the fighting continues, and wonders if Shadepool might come with him.

Civil War conclusion.

Ashfoot dies saving Onewhisker and Mudclaw from the falling tree. The tree kills her and cripples Mudclaw, but Onewhisker is saved and there is a bridge to the island.

Mistyfoot and Falcontail are seen talking to one another. Crowflight doesn’t overhear much, but he does notice how friendly Falcontail seems to be towards Mistyfoot. It does not put a good feeling in his belly, and, for a moment, wonders if Falcontail had put his paws into this mess a lot earlier than he thought.

Either way, he resolves that it's his job as a chosen cat to protect WindClan from cats like him.

Onewhisker does not exile Mudclaw, out of respect for Ashfoot and how she had felt about their conflict, how she had defended him. Mudclaw resolves to retire, and Onewhisker sets out immediately for the Moonpool, where he is caught out and killed by Falcontail and Ashfur, who also terribly injure Barkface.

Mudclaw becomes Mudstar, and he appoints Crowflight as his deputy, citing a sign from StarClan as his reason for breaching the norms of the warrior code.

  • Onewhisker does not exile Mudclaw, and instead asks that he formally retire to the elder’s den, and help advise he and Ashfoot to lead the new WindClan of the lake. He decides that forgiveness is the right path here, and that Mudclaw had only ever had WindClan’s best interests in his heart. Webfoot mourns Tornear and Crowflight feels intensely sorry for the old warrior, guessing that Mudclaw won’t be alone in the elder’s den for long.
[SO - big change here, obviously.

Originally, Ashfoot was not going to die.

I chose to kill Ashfoot very near the end of writing the story. Admittedly, I felt like the story was missing something important, and, to me, this change resolved several issues that would crop up going forward AND create an interesting change where WindClan is left without a leader or deputy.

I did feel bad about the decision, though :`) Believe it or not, I have a hard time writing some of these deaths, and Crowflight's desperate attempts to save Ashfoot hurt - they were just getting to what might be a normal relationship, and it was all torn away so violently and suddenly.]



Aftermath of the battle Gathering. Mudstar shocks the Gathering by appearing as WindClan’s leader, announces that Barkface and Onewhisker were killed on their way to the Moonpool, and that WindClan suspects ThunderClan of the deed due to the scent markers at the scene, despite how strange that seemed.

Onewhisker was killed, but perhaps Barkface was horrifically injured? Blinded/muted, incapable of retelling what he’d seen?

WindClan’s borders are closed, and Shadepool wonders if her prophetic dream of the moor splitting in two had come to pass after all.

[I thought that instead of an epilogue, Shadepool's PoV was an appropriate way to end the story. It's a tonal shift that I think helps sell the twist at the end.

Epilogues aren't a thing in this series, at least not for every book, so having one here and then potentially having one at the end of Sunset might seem strange.

Barkface's ultimate fate is not mentioned in Starlight, but it will be explored in Twilight!]-



Whitepaw > Whitewing

Smokepaw > Smokeflower

Mackerelpaw > Mackerelshine

WindClan would have promoted apprentices as well, if not for the fractured leadership of the Clan.

Shadepaw > Shadepool

Ashfoot dies

[This is a general series of notes I like to make, in order to keep allegiances in order. It's nothing special, really.]


[This is the very first, bare-bones outline for the entire story, my very first pass, probably written right as Dawn was wrapped up. This is just an extremely basic summary, something that everything above is built on.

Obviously, stuff in these sorts of bare skeletons might not make it to a final draft.]


Crowflight, Nightfrost, Mistyfoot, Tawnypelt, and Stoneheart go around the lake and tour their territories. Crowflight is anxious that he might not find a place for WindClan, but he does, and he’s proud of that – he tells Shadepaw before even any WindClan cat, which earns him a chastisement from Mudclaw.

Tallstar appoints Onewhisker as WindClan’s next leader before his death, which causes Mudclaw to get angry.

WindClan is divided between Mudclaw and Onewhisker, and stones are cast. Crowflight, as the newest warrior, is forced to make the deciding vote – he chooses Onewhisker. Mudclaw is upset with him and Crowflight is very conflicted, which he confides in Shadepaw.

Crowflight and Duskwhisker become very close friends after Duskwhisker leaves her abusive relationship with Smokewillow (?) - Duskwhisker knows about Crowflight’s feelings for Shadepaw, and insists that Crowflight is lying to himself if he thinks he doesn’t love her.

Shadepaw brings Crowflight with her when she discovers the Moonpool. Shadepaw becomes Shadepool.

WindClan civil war comes to a head as Mudclaw and Falcontail bring their allies to bear and try to take over before Onewhisker can receive his nine lives.

Shadepool is targeted by WindClan rebels, and Crowflight saves her. Scared that he might lose her, Crowflight confesses his feelings, which Shadepool reciprocates.

The fight ends when a tree falls, creating a bridge to the island and causing Mudclaw to lose a leg and call off the attack.

When Onewhisker goes to receive his nine lives both he and Barkface are killed – Mudclaw then takes over a shocked and vengeful WindClan and places blame on both RiverClan and ThunderClan, closing WindClan’s borders to those Clans permanently.


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