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Hey all!

Well, my partner and I are officially homeowners! We're so excited to finally begin this step in our lives, and see where it takes us!

My brain has obviously been in a jumble the past few weeks, and that will probably continue until we're settled in properly. There's quite a lot to do, and the logistics and coordination are making my head spin! I don't think either of us expected to tick this box so quickly when we made it a goal for this year.

Once we're settled in, things will flow back to normal, with a few small alterations:

I realize that I am almost finished designing every single Warrior Cat that has existed in the main series (and most side series) up to the present. I started doing these as a design exercise YEARS ago now and I didn't expect to get this far, let alone be anywhere close to finished - at least, as finished as you can get when the series is still pumping out books.

I've been thinking of what to do for my daily "warm up" drawings since and I was tossing around the idea of doing Pokemon? Their designs can vary in complexity, though, so many might take me more than a day to get through, which is my main hesitation.

I'm going to start streaming, too! As soon as my internet is set up and my computer is all safe and happy (and I buy a new microphone), I'll be streaming here and there over on Twitch!

I plan to play a variety of games, but I'll probably be starting with something more easygoing like a slow Stardew Valley Completion Farm and a legacy in the Sims! I plan to branch out to other titles, though - I've got a whole library full of games! I also would like to play the Pokemon games some, and even art streams, too! If you're interested, I'll be posting my stream announcements here as well as in Discord and on Twitter.

It's going to be a casual thing on my off days, but who knows? Things are certainly changing quickly enough, lol.

I do still plan on working on the TB AU, and my other stories - right now, though, these are set aside for the sake of the move and settling in. Once we're all set up, I'll be posting my author's notes for my earlier stories! I still think that would be an interesting thing for readers (and aspiring writers) to see.

Thank you all for your patience, and seeing us this far. It's been a very hectic couple of months, and you're all amazing for sticking through it with me.

-- Twilight <3


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