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Hey all!

This week marks the end of Starlight! This story is very integral to not just the back half of the second arc, but the rest of the series, too! It's a large status quo shift that, frankly, I think the original arc lacked.

I have been chipping away at Twilight, but I have an announcement that has been affecting my focus - my partner and I are moving!

We managed to find a house and we'll be closing on the 28th. I expect things will be shaky and spotty until we get ourselves fully settled in. I'm excited and nervous, and I hope this is going to be a positive step forward for the both of us.

Thank you all for your support thus far, it means the world to me. 2023 is already shaping up to be quite the wild ride, and we're barely two months in!

--Twilight <3


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