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Hey all, and happy new year!

I just wanted to check in again. I had been planning to update my stories this week, but unfortunately visiting family decided that wasn't going to happen, lol. I've been staying up a lot later than usual catching up with people, so that's made doing my usual work difficult. Don't worry, though, going into the new year, everything will go back to normal - sort of.

You see, me and my partner are finally getting the ball rolling on finding ourselves our own house! It's our very first time, and it's all a bit overwhelming and stressful, and the markets aren't too friendly. I'm going to try and not let it affect what I do here, but it's inevitable that it will, especially when it does finally come time to move out. Obviously, I'll keep you all posted!

Now, onto my goals for next year!

I try to keep these vague and simple, so I don't disappoint myself by the end of the year if things don't pan out.

For now, though, my goals for 2023 are as follows:

  • Finish Twilight and Sunset - I think, barring something horrible happening, this is doable. I have both stories loosely plotted out because they're going hand-in-hand with one another, and I'd like to end the Great Journey arc so I can move on to Omen of the Stars!
  • Depending on how well the above goal goes, I might also have time to squeeze in a novella, or work on a super edition! I think if it were the latter, it would be Sandstorm's Wander.
  • I would like to finish the first book of the KB Rewrite (hopefully giving it a less clunky name, lol). I think that this is also doable, but inspiration works in strange ways. I'm already 8 chapters in and not quite done with the intro, so this is a big "we'll see".
  • An even bigger "we'll see" is finishing the first book of my Raven's Eye series - there's not been much posted on here about it other than some snippets of concept art, but that's only because it's a wholly original world that needs proper building and I'm thinking about it when I'm not thinking of, well, everything else, lol. I'm sure you'll see something of it in 2023!
  • Art & Animation - I'd definitely like to step up my art game, and break out of the rut it feels like I'm in. I'd also like to try my hand at more animation!
  • Streaming??? A far iffier goal, this one depends on our moving out - I'd love to try my hand at streaming art and games! This one is definitely a very low priority, the equipment for doing this is pricey and it might not be feasible our first year in our new home :P
  • Merch???????????????????????????????

This isn't a complete list, but it's what's on my mind at the moment! We'll see how the first half of 2023 goes~

As far as the immediate present, Starlight will resume posting in the new year. It ought to be done in February! I'll then post my notes and outlines for the story, and maybe go back through the older ones and see if there's anything to dig up there - I think it would be interesting for you guys to see my thought process and how it evolves (and in some cases, changes entirely).

I will reveal here that the bonus content for Starlight is currently planned to be a short comic! I cannot reveal details because it would completely spoil Starlight, but it will be short and character-centric.

I also cannot guarantee that every story from here on out will have a comic as its bonus content, or that every story will even have bonus content. Starlight is an odd exception.

2022 has certainly been a very hard year, preceded by some of my worst years yet. Honestly, the support and love you guys give makes it all worthwhile. If all goes well, 2023 could be my best year in a long time, and I hope the same will go for all of you - you deserve it, so, so much.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you, and happy new year!

-- Twilight <3


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