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Well, it's been a while!

It's been a busy few weeks for me, since the last update. I'm still chugging away at Starlight but, good news - I'm over the halfway mark!

That means I've picked out a day that I'll begin posting - June 3rd is the tentative release date for Starlight on Patreon! This date might shift depending on whether or not I feel the earlier chapters are ready, but I'm going to state for the record that, if not the 3rd, then definitely some time in June, with early July being the latest I'll make you wait.

As always, Patrons will remain at least five chapters ahead of public release, but I'm tempted to make the gap even larger this time around, as Leopardstar's Lie isn't quite wrapped up yet on Tumblr and FanFiction and I don't want to post stories so back to back at the risk of overwhelming the audience. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, though.

I hope you're all excited! Starlight has been a difficult one, but it's one I've looked forward to, probably the most out of the entire second arc!!


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