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Stoneheart woke to a damp pelt and cold limbs, and it took him a long time to figure out where he was.

For a moment, he thought he was still on the journey, stuck on some rock in the mountains. That’s what it felt like, at least. The stones and hard earth beneath him had sucked all the warmth from his body during the night.

His dreams had not helped, either. Once again, he’d found himself wandering that strange dark forest where he’d seen his mother, aimless and unsure. He thought many times that he could hear voices between the trees, cats crying out in pain... but he wasn’t sure who they were, or if they were real. He even thought he had scented Mistyfoot in the foggy woods, but when he had tried to follow her trail, he’d only gotten himself more lost.

Blinking sleep from his eyes, Stoneheart remembered where he was – Sunningrocks, on ThunderClan territory. Dawn was breaking over the boulders, and the sun was shining, but the air was still cold. Worst of all, the Twoleg monsters had revved up, and their smoke was rising above the trees.

He pushed himself up, feeling his limbs burn with soreness. Running around Twolegplace and then scrambling to evacuate his Clan within such a short time made him feel like he needed to sleep for a moon; but his stomach growled, and the ground beneath him did not look like an appealing nest.

Stoneheart opened his jaw in a yawn, but had to shut them almost instantly. The scents of ShadowClan, ThunderClan, and WindClan together was so cloying and strong, it made his throat feel like closing. He shivered. It won’t be for long, he thought, peering over the edge of the ditch. The three Clans were milling about, trying to go about as normal a day as they could. We’ll be leaving soon.

A wail rose from the rocks.

Stoneheart pricked his ears and readied himself to spring, but others were quicker. Warriors from all three Clans crowded around a tall boulder near the center of the camp that was currently the nursery. Stoneheart scrambled out of the elder’s ditch and pushed his way through the crowd as another wail bounced off of the stones.

Snowstep, ThunderClan’s deaf warrior, was padding sullenly out of the makeshift nursery. A kit dangled limply from his jaws, and Stoneheart felt sorrow well up in him – the kit was nothing but fur and bones, and very clearly dead.

“Not Hollykit, too,” whispered Sorreltail, her eyes round.

“StarClan, help us,” mumbled Dustpelt. Beside him, Cinderpelt raised her muzzle to the sky, as if beseeching their warrior ancestors.

A WindClan apprentice was hunkered down, her shoulder blades poking through her pelt. “W-We’re all gonna die!” she stammered, watching Snowstep silently walking towards the forest, his dead kit bumping against his chest.

The apprentice’s words made Stoneheart’s pelt prickle, and his stomach clenched. The last season of her life had been nothing but suffering – why wouldn’t she think that death was all that awaited her? Stoneheart’s mouth went dry, unsure of how to comfort the young cat.

“Thornpaw, don’t talk like that,” Crowpaw snapped, glowering at his Clanmate. “We’re going to be fine.”

“Crowpaw is right,” rasped Mousefur. The small ThunderClan warrior stepped forward, twitching her tail towards the WindClan apprentice. “Come hunting with me and Spiderpaw, youngster.”

Thornpaw rose to her paws, shaky; but she obeyed, following Mousefur and Spiderpaw as they headed into the forest. Smokewillow, Thornpaw’s mentor, followed a moment later, after Mudclaw turned and snapped at him to move.

Ferncloud’s next cry drew Brackenfur through the crowd. ThunderClan’s medicine cat leaned into the nursery and, after a moment, pulled his head back with a sigh. Silverstream came out with him, her tail-tip flicking anxiously.

“She’s so upset,” the silver tabby murmured. “I don’t know what to do.”

Brackenfur’s muzzle pulled into a frown. “Too many herbs will spoil what milk she has,” he said. “Is there any queen that can take Larchkit while she mourns?”

“Tallpoppy has milk,” Finchsong reported, slipping out of the nursery behind Silverstream. “But she’s got three kits of her own. If Larchkit is eating solid food, I think I can take him in with Willowkit and Rushkit.”

“Do it,” Silverstream meowed, without hesitation. She turned to Finchsong with grateful eyes. “It’s early, but I think Larchkit can handle it. Bramblefur and I will do our best to calm Ferncloud.”

“Playing with kits around his own age might be good for him, too, after losing his sister,” Brackenfur surmised. The medicine cat turned to the crowd, his face drawn with remorse as he announced: “StarClan has taken another from us this day. We will sit vigil for Hollykit tonight. Excuse me.”

Brackenfur left, limping through the crowd. Stoneheart craned his neck, peering around the boulders – the golden-brown medicine cat was heading for Tinystar, who was in conversation with Tallstar and Russetstar, but Sandstorm met the medicine cat and turned him away. The solemn look in the ginger she-cat's eyes told Stoneheart that they had already gotten the news.

“Everyone else, get back to your duties!” snapped Mudclaw. WindClan’s deputy stalked through the crowd, his tail lashing. His eyes pierced uncertain-looking warriors as he growled, “Don’t want to see another kit die? Hunt!”

“We need to leave,” muttered Poppyfoot as she drew Rainwhisker and Tornear close. “There’s not much time...”

Stoneheart could hear similar worried conversations going on all around him, their words bouncing off of the Sunningrocks like honey-drunk bees. Stoneheart sighed – he wished it hadn’t taken so many lives to come this far, but at least it seemed like everyone was on board.

He felt a pelt brush by, and turned to see his father by his side. Oakheart had a thin mouse in his jaws, half-eaten already, and he laid it down by Stoneheart’s paws.

“Eat,” he rasped. When Stoneheart hesitated, he added, “Don’t worry, I’ve had my share already.”

Stoneheart devoured the mouse as if it were the only food in the world – which didn’t feel too far off, with the forest as it was. He barely tasted it, and it hardly filled him, but it was something and that was far better than nothing. His stomach ached for the days during the journey, where he could eat his fill and still have leftovers.

“Poor Ferncloud,” Oakheart sighed as Stoneheart ate. “No mother deserves to watch her kits die.”

Stoneheart lifted his head, cleaning the mouse from his whiskers. “I wish there was something I could do.”

“Leave it to the queens,” Oakheart told him, flicking his tail. “Come, sit with me.”

Stoneheart shifted, feeling awkward. He was aware of Mudclaw barking orders not two fox-lengths away. “Shouldn’t I hunt?” he wondered.

Oakheart shook his head. “Believe me, the forest is full of hunters,” the older tabby mewed. “If there’s something, anything, they’ll find it.”

“What about border patrols?”

“What’s the point?” Oakheart wondered, his whiskers twitching with amusement. He gestured at the river with his tail. “That’s the only border that needs looking after, and who’s going to pick a fight with RiverClan right now?”

Stoneheart supposed his father was right. After quickly burying the bones of his meal, they padded over to an unoccupied boulder, and Stoneheart helped Oakheart up onto its smooth surface. Stoneheart scrambled up and laid beside him, pressing their pelts together tightly to get any sort of warmth out of each other.

“Oh, would you look at that...?” Oakheart sighed. His gaze went over the river, hardening as it did. “Speaking of RiverClan...”

Stoneheart saw a pelt flash on the other side of the river. It was Falcontail, RiverClan’s temporary deputy – Leopardstar followed, her eyes blazing and her dappled fur blazing in the sun. Stoneheart searched the reeds, wondering if Feathertail was coming, too, but his hopes were dashed. It was only Leopardstar and her son.

Leopardstar and Falcontail waded into the river, tails lashing. Neither looked particularly happy as Tinystar, Mudclaw,and Russetstar met them on the shore. Tallstar trembled on dry land, Sandstorm by his side. Mistyfoot, Crowpaw, and Nightpaw prowled over, ears pricked; but Shadepaw was kept behind by Brackenfur, much to her annoyance.

“I was just about to relax with you,” Oakheart complained. “Go on, see what it’s about.”

Stoneheart dipped his head to his father and slipped off of the rock, trotting up to his sister’s side. He wasn’t the only cat curious, either – any cat who hadn’t been assigned a patrol or nursing kits or dealing in medicine had their eyes turned towards the river, and more than one had the fur along their spine bristling warily.

“What is the meaning of this, Tinystar?” Leopardstar began, her lip curled. Water lapped at her belly as she stood in the center of the river. “First WindClan, now ShadowClan, too?”

Falcontail looked just as annoyed, and Stoneheart guessed his claws were unsheathed in the water. “If you think to invade, you’ll find enough resistance for ten Clans!”

Stoneheart peered closely at the RiverClan cats, and had to suppress a scoff. Falcontail was blustering – something must have happened in RiverClan territory. Not only was the water low, but the two RiverClan cats looked far skinnier than usual.

“Explain yourself!” Leopardstar demanded.

Tinystar drew himself up, wrapping his tail around his paws. “We pose no threat to you, Leopardstar. ShadowClan’s camp was destroyed yesterday – they had nowhere else to go.”

Russetstar lashed her tail. Stoneheart guessed she was annoyed at Tinystar talking for her, because she meowed curtly: “ShadowClan has no interest in RiverClan territory.”

“We were just discussing how best to leave for the lake, actually,” Tinystar added. “... and whether or not you were joining us.”

Leopardstar flattened her ears, and Falcontail hissed: “We’ve already told you – RiverClan is going nowhere!”

“Not without our missing,” Leopardstar said quickly, glancing at Falcontail. Her gaze was sharp on her son, but even sharper when it turned back to the gathered leaders. “Surely you’re not planning to leave them behind, either!”

“Of course not,” Russetstar huffed. She glanced back, locking eyes with Stoneheart behind her. “My warriors have learned where our missing cats are being kept. We’ll be mounting a rescue before leaving for the lake.”

“But regardless,” Mudclaw swept on, lashing his tail, “whether those cats come home or not, and with or without RiverClan – we're leaving the forest.”

“Good!” Falcontail grunted. His pale-yellow eyes flashed at the WindClan deputy.

“I don’t know what you think you’ll gain,” Mistyfoot meowed, stepping forward. Her tail-tip was flicking back and forth as she stared down at Falcontail. “Our lands will be useless to anyone but Twolegs, and from the looks of things, your land isn’t faring much better. Why be so stubborn and let RiverClan starve, when you could follow StarClan’s will to a better place with all of us?”

Falcontail bared his teeth. Whatever he was about to say, Leopardstar interrupted, splashing a step forward to meow, “If you’re sending cats after the missing, RiverClan will send a warrior with you... and if Tawnypelt comes back in one piece, leaving is something I would be willing to discuss.”

“Good,” Tinystar decided. His pale eyes brightened, and Russetstar and Mudclaw glanced at one another with a hint of relief. “Sandstorm will be leading the patrol – send your representative and the mission can proceed immediately.”

Stoneheart did not miss the spark of hope in Leopardstar’s eye as she gestured with her tail to Falcontail. “Falcontail will accompany you,” she meowed.

“That's it?” Mudclaw sneered.

“I’m more than enough,” Falcontail declared, his lips drawn in a snarl. His neck fur bristled as he stepped forward a pace. “I’m willing to show you right now, fox-breath!”

“Enough,” Russetstar snapped. She stood on all fours, glaring down at the deputies. “If Falcontail is going to help, he is welcome to come along; but if he’s going to be obstinate and sabotage the mission, he can leave well enough alone – RiverClan wasn’t willing to cooperate with us before, we can do this without you now.”

Stoneheart felt Mistyfoot wince beside him. “Too strong,” his sister murmured.

Crowpaw rolled his eyes. “ShadowClan!” he complained.

Stoneheart, though, saw that Leopardstar’s hackles fell. He twitched his whiskers with amusement – sometimes, being as direct as a ShadowClan cat was necessary. It gets more done, he thought proudly. That’s what I love about ShadowClan!

Falcontail and Leopardstar muttered to one another for a moment before Falcontail splashed his way across the river, coming up a tail-length away from the other Clan leaders and shaking his pelt. Instead of looking annoyed with the thought of having to listen to enemy leaders, he held his chin high, as if he were proud to be the only representative RiverClan needed for this mission.

“I will remain,” Leopardstar decided, pulling herself up onto the shore with her son, “but don’t think I will be discussing this lake business until Falcontail and Tawnypelt are returned!”

“Fair enough,” Tinystar mewed. Both Russetstar and Mudclaw looked annoyed, but said nothing. Stoneheart wondered just how much Tinystar was suppressing his temper towards RiverClan’s leader right now – it must be taking some great effort.

“When are we leaving?” Falcontail asked.

“Now,” Sandstorm declared, waving her tail. She nodded to Mistyfoot, who drew close to her deputy. “Fetch Wolftooth, Swiftfoot, and Onewhisker.”

Mistyfoot nodded and sprang away, her paws scattering stones as she headed deeper into Sunningrocks. Sandstorm turned her gaze to Stoneheart and Crowpaw, and she nodded to each of them. “You two are coming, too.”

“What about me?” Nightpaw asked, drawing forward, his eyes bright.

Sandstorm’s gaze darkened with sympathy. “I need the fastest cats, my son,” she said. “And those that have experience with the type of traps that Twolegs use. Moreover, I need cats that are accustomed to working together.”


Sandstorm laid her muzzle on Nightpaw’s head. “There will be so many chances for you to show us how brave you are,” she said. “For now, I want you to gather the available apprentices and help the medicine cats – we’ll need all the traveling herbs we can find in the forest for when we leave.”

Nightpaw opened his jaws to protest, but closed them. He purred into his mother’s pelt, and meowed, “Of course,” before he turned away, bounding up the slope.

Just as the black tom left, Mistyfoot reappeared, with Wolftooth, Onewhisker, and Swiftfoot behind her. Stoneheart was shocked at how thin Onewhisker was – but the skinny WindClan tom looked just as determined as Swiftfoot, whose eyes were blazing at the idea of rescuing his mates. Wolftooth, too, looked ready, his tail-tip twitching.

“Be careful,” Tinystar meowed. He drew forward, pressing his muzzle against Sandstorm’s. “Whatever you face, StarClan watches over you, my love.”

Sandstorm kept herself as close to Tinystar as possible for a long moment, and the she pulled away. “Let’s go,” Sandstorm meowed. “There’s no time to waste.” The pale ginger she-cat observed her gathered patrol, and nodded, satisfied. “To Snakerocks!”

Stoneheart followed Sandstorm up the slope and through Sunningrocks, feeling his heart lift. With Mistyfoot on one side and Crowpaw on the other, it felt almost like the journey again, even if some of his friends had to be left behind. As they pushed through the ferns and into the forest, breaking into a run, Stoneheart was able to push aside his fears.

I’m coming, Rowanclaw!


Abbi Conklin

Aaa so excited for the big rescue!!