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Hey, all!

With the posting of the outline and scrapped prologue, Twilight is officially done!

Now, as far as the future goes...

I have finished the final outline for Sunset, barring a few tweaks here and there! With Sunset being the end of the second arc, I want to handle it the best I can. I am still shooting for the story to be written before the end of the year.

That being said, I have some events coming up in the next month or so that will make things very hectic. There's a lot of family stuff coming up, not to mention every game I play is releasing new content all at once, it seems, lol. Things should still go on as normal, but depending on what happens, I might miss a day or two - I won't be around next week, for example, due to travel.

Hopefully, though, this next thing will help tide y'all over - I'm going to start posting Otherworld, the rewrite of my very old series, Koukon Bridge! I've tried a couple of times over the years to retool and adapt this story to very little success (I've even posted a chapter or two here before), but I really like what I'm doing with this rewrite now, and I hope you all will, too! It'll be nice to give you all some writing while I work on the TB AU in the background.

I'm going to start by posting what I've got once a month, starting next month - at the time of writing this announcement, I've got around 13 chapters, give or take a missing section or two, that cover the introductory portion of the story. I'll be working on more between working on Sunset, too, since sometimes I just can't work on anything else until I get it out of my head, lol. I also want to do illustrations for each chapter! Wouldn't that be neat?

I've also got a little surprise idea for the future of the TB AU, which I'll reveal here - because Shadepool's novella and the third arc take place about two years after the end of Arc 2, there's going to be a bit of a boom in the population of the Clans, which also means I'm going to need some help from you guys!

When Sunset is done, I will post a form where readers (Patrons and non-Patrons) can submit names for all these new characters! There'll be some rules, of course, and I'm only looking for names, not full characters, but I thought it would be a fun way to have you guys leave your marks on the series, whether Arc 3 happens or not. Don't forget to vote in the poll here or on Tumblr - it will have a bearing on Sunset!

Anyway, that's about all for now. I hope you guys enjoy Otherworld, and thank you all for your support!

--Twiilight <3


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