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I love taking photos outside! The weather is starting to cool down here, so I’ve been enjoying my morning tea in the warm sun and gentle wind. Sexier photos from this set being posted to the Appetizer tier tomorrow! 😏



sylvain bob

Beautiful lady


Sexy as always

Rick Kubik

Lovely, Sierra, lovely. Mind you, as a former agronomist, my eyes can't help but be drawn tio the garden vegetation in the background, lol. Like you, it looks pretty good! Funny true story: saw a gardening calendar where one woman was bare in her garden, but did have on a pair of practical gumboots, to keep the mud off her feet! Seems like the garden and sex are both places where it's sensible to use rubber items. Enjoy your tea, btw!

Lust and Found

Perfection is a pretty shade of pink. You look so beautiful. It's hard not to get lost in your smile though. What kind of tea are you drinking?


Pale skin + pink nipples = A winning combination.


I always see the young Beverly Crusher from TNG in you. Absolutely Sexy.