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Hi everyone! Thank you, as always, I truly appreciate everyone who has remained a Patron over all this time.

I have a few updates regarding me and my work. First, if you use Twitter you may have already seen, but my wife and I are expecting! I’ll be a first time father in February as long as everything goes according to plan.

Prior to any of that, though, I’ve been thinking about my artwork and my recent output. My day job has cut into my art time quite a bit for a while, making me produce a bit less than I’d like ideally. I’ve also thought about the platform my existing work is currently hosted on, and being honest I don’t really care much for any of them for Various reasons. I did recently post a few more recent things to Tumblr but in many ways I don’t think I’m as interested in engaging with those communities as I was in the past.

So considering these factors, I will likely over a period of time begin to pull my work from other websites where I can and use this Patreon as the only primary “official” archive of my work.

I don’t plan to officially retire from making work as Kawaiidebu but I also know I’m not as prolific as I once was or as much as some other more active artists. For new work I will likely host it here in a semi-exclusive capacity, with some allowance for myself in the event I want to post it elsewhere. Being realistic I think I may ultimately be drawing a bit less, so I do understand for anyone for whom the prospect of new work is the main appeal needing to reconsider their pledge. Also for full transparency I do plan on billing to resume as normal for September.

I know that’s a lot of info! If there are questions regarding any of it please feel free to ask me here or via a private message!

Matt / Kawaiidebu



congrats dude! :D

