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Howdy folks!

Let me start off with a big thank you for your support! I appreciate every pledge, and particularly to all of you who have been contributing over multiple months. It’s been a great help to me, and is very gratifying.

I have been thinking about this Patreon and before anyone worries I don’t plan to close it. I was a little disappointed at the amount of work I was able to produce in January, and February has proven to be an equally busy month so far. My day job is fairly demanding and keeping up with work, my house, my wife, etc has been a bit more challenging for my time to work on art.

With all of that being said I wanted to go over what I’ve been considering and open up to feedback if you want to share it.

I’m considering streamlining to a single tier, primarily to act as a "tip jar" function. I’ve enjoyed the polls so far, but running multiple on a monthly basis to produce a nice finished piece hasn’t been easy to do in a timely manner. I don’t like finishing the piece in the following month as it only compounds polls for THAT month. I’ve also had a tough time reliably coming up with options for the polls, with me ultimately being unsure if the characters are of interest to you all.

I asked a couple folks who stated they were just looking to support without expectations of content, which is a noble sentiment, but unless folks are adamant about being able to contribute $5 versus $2 whether there are polls or not, I think eliminating the $5 tier may be what I decide to do.

i know a while back there was also talk of trying to put together a sort of updating comic. It’s an appealing idea, but it would likely change the format of the Patreon considerably as something like that would end up taking up most of my drawing time. I have some ideas for that that could be great to explore, but time is a very limiting factor.

I was also considering including more text posts, describing concepts or ideas for characters, or stories I’ve considered or want to develop. My only concern would again be not having enough time to properly devote to an idea, or ever get to a point of really drawing certain concepts. If there’s interest in having those ideas shared here even in just text form I can certainly start adding those here as well, but I definitely understand I’m more of a visual artist.

Lastly, if things shift a bit and I end up just having more down time to work in art, there may not be any revisions at all. A lot of this consideration was simply based off feeling very short on time the past two months. There’s also a lot of room to make this a more comprehensive full res archive of older work, since my old DA gallery is not only out of date, but was never full res. 

Anyhow! I’m still in the process of deciding how to proceed, but I imagine I’ll have made up my mind before March. If you have any thoughts about it feel free to share here or via DM.

TL;DR - Things may possibly be changing around here, but it’s to be determined!



Understandable, perhaps then an option could be to cut down to polls every other month or let us patrons submit more themes and the you choose your favorite option or put it to a vote. Honestly I’d rather have quality over quantity. And I’d be down to see more text posts to see what’s on your mind.

Nave zam

That's all fine