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Howdy all! Thanks to everyone who has stuck around for November! As always I appreciate all the support you guys have given so far, every bit means a lot to me.

I’ll be putting together the first November Poll before the weekend is over, and I’d like to have at least two this month.

I’ve also had a desire to do some stuff with my OCs, Bebe (aka Drawn-tan) and Butterwife!

So I’d you have any ideas you may like to see with either of those two please share them here!



Well....the imagine popped in my head of Butterwife super fat and bloated surrounded by the remains of Halloween candy and her clutching her stomach because she’s making a comment on Thanksgiving and Christmas and the never ending gluttony of the next 2 months. Or maybe as a bit of a gag, Bebe wanted to get into sculpting but clay intimidated her so she’s fiddling around with Butterwife and “sculpting” Butterwife by adding more butter and milk to her while Butterwife is in some spoof of a famous female sculpture. Or perhaps something just of Bebe and I dunno her roommate making a comment because Bebe shows up with a shopping cart of Halloween candy she just bought super discounted Or Maybe it’s an Angry Butterwife protesting Christmas kicking off the day after Halloween so she’s poking Belle in the chest telling her to wait her turn.