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Long requested! Here is a fairly comprehensive collection of my work involving the FitBots. The bots' designs were by the amazingly talented JeetDoh, while User was "designed" by me, along with FriendBot and STRONGBot. Jeet did an excellent reinterpretation of STRONG many years later, as well as designing a 3.0 and 4.0 version of FitBot that I've done the offhand sketch of, not included here but posted previously on Patreon.

There's lot to the bots! Even more that exists as lore primarily in my head. My fairly well-kept rule is that barring a damn good reason I won't plump up 2.0, and I've had a decent idea for a comic to cover that particular arc for her for some time, but haven't quite gotten around to it.

I really like the bots and User quite a bit though. Of my OCs they may have the most "narrative" hung over them, and because of that some of the clearest sense of character, simple though they may be.

The FitBots are both from The COMPANY which manufactures FitBots along with other commercial use bots like STRONGBot. 1.0 and 2.0 are both quasi prototypes of super advanced AI, and really more like an artificial consciousness rather than direct "intelligence". Complicated as it may be I think there's a nice sense of romance to the main pair, with 2.0 a fun orbiter to that dynamic.

Back when the individual parts were uploaded to DeviantArt I got lots of questions and comments regarding how and why the bots would get fat. As a fetish fantasy there may not need to be a justification, but to me they were sufficiently advanced tech that used a combination of hard and soft plastics/silicon/dextrose/etc accompanied with an artificial metabolism to act as a good partner to their human users. Their baseline programming would typically prevent actions leading to weightgain, but as true constructed consciousnesses the ones that appear in the story at least seem able to deviate from that to pursue their own wants and desires (or definitely 1.0 at least).

I still have a lot of affection for these characters and I still hope I can get into the comic idea I have for them some time in the future.




personally it seemed more obvious 2.0 was one of those types who becomes the super skinny feeder while those on the receiving end become huge and dependent on her.


Be that as it may the requests for fat 2.0 were consistent since she appeared!