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Happy Spookmas!

It's the month of a bunch of Game Dev Mom pinups! Here's an outline of how this month's gonna shake out...


Finish and Post Game Dev Mom 1

I really want to apologize for the delay last month. I really try not to miss any posting days, but I prefer to put out a pinup I genuinely adore and am proud of, and I just wasn't getting there. But I've restarted the pic and I'm very happy with it so far! So expect the final pic soon!

Finish Elastigirl Breakup

The first post was just lip-sync test for me to try out Virtamate's tools. And I think I've got a good handle on them now, so I feel confident about giving this three or four more shots to really make it a fun little narrative with a happy ending!


Finish and Post Game Dev Mom 2

Art is all about momentum, so I think the second pinup would be much easier to make. I also have a lot of work with Sleepygimp this month, so this will probably be it for the week, barring an update for...


Post The Finished Lady Dimitrescu Video! (as a fun little Spooky Halloween Pinup treat!)

While it was meant to be a video for last month, IRL stuff really kept me from being able to put too much work into it. But it may have been a blessing in disguise because as a big giant vampire lady from Resident Evil, Lady Dim may be perfect for a Halloween themed video! As saucy and pinuppy as it is!


Finish and post Game Dev Mom 3 Pinups!

Exactly what it says on the tin! I think a pinup + Character select screen could be cool. So I'll TRY to do that but on Week 4, I'm also doing Sleepygimp work. We'll see what I can do. At least 1 pinup is what I'm aiming for.

In Conclusion...

It's... a busy month for my patreon alone. And that's barely scratching the surface of the stuff I have to do for outside work and hired gigs I have. It's been tough the last couple of months as I've been dealing with a lot of IRl stuff keeping me from working, but thankfully, a lot of that is out of the way. So

With your help, I truly think I can deliver everything that's set to plan here! And I really wanna thank you for that!

So thank you and

Enjoy October!



Looking forward to Game Dev Mom so much! The Elastigirl content is a nice surprise!

PrussiAntique (Antiqua)

Looks good! Hopefully there'll be time for some of the old sketch rewards too that have been on the backburner for a while? It's the one year anniversary of that tier being retired, so hopefully those get fulfilled soon XD


Yep! I'm well aware haha. I'll try and see if this month I can bump them up my to do list and get those totally 100% done. Thanks as always for your amazing patience.