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Let's put cameras in other spots... for posterity...


"Pre-Fight Jitters" 

Some patrons mentioned they wanted some other camera angles. The idea behind the original video was to make a quick little vignette of a moment, where the 'action' wasn't even central to the frame, as to make it feel more casual and unremarkable.

"The girls are making out. That's a pretty normal sight!"

But because of the simplicity of the video, here's a bit of a behind the scenes tidbit for you - I only animated the girls so they'd look good from that One Single Camera Angle. You may have seen shots like these where models break for the benefit of aesthetics. While I'm not being THAT extreme, it's still the same principle!

So Cammy's right hand is basically just "nowhere" and most times, the "making out" includes barely any physical contact at all! Sorry for breaking the illusion.

As for that last bit.... That was just there for my own amusement as the girls were getting animated. Hope you get a kick out of that.

In any case! Hope you dig it. Let me know what you think! I got a few more ideas for other little locker room vignettes! Some more characters getting involved, others walking in... All that jazz. I'm happy to hear if you got any thoughts or suggestions for this! Let me know. And





Damn guile got that dumpy